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Then when Gray appeared at reveille Morton had disappeared. "It's not the sergeant let them fellers out," said the regimental oracles. "This is no ten-dollar subscription business." And so until late in the afternoon the question that agitated the entire range of regimental camps was: "How did those fellows break away from the prison of the teenth?" Then came a clue, and then discovery.

To the scandal and sorrow of the teenth Infantry some of the recent robberies had been traced to their very doors.

So, this is to warn you that there is no subterfuge about this story and you might come upon stockings hung to the mantel and plum puddings and hark! the chimes! and wealthy misers loosening up and handing over penny whistles to lame newsboys if you read further. It was the front door of a furnished room house in West 'Teenth Street.

Then there was the bundle inside his rolled overcoat that Gray had personally handed Morton when a prisoner. Everybody agreed he should have sent it by orderly everybody, that is, except some scores of young soldiers in the ranks who could see no harm in it having been done that way, especially two "Delta Sigs" in the teenth. Then there were the long conferences in the dark. What did they mean?

For, it was in her triple house that the Christmas story happened; and it was there where I picked up the incontrovertible facts from the gossip of many roomers and met Stickney and saw the necktie. Christmas came that year on Thursday, and snow came with it. "Address" is New Yorkese for "home." Stickney roomed at 45 West 'Teenth Street, third floor rear hall room.

He'd rather be second lieutenant of regular infantry any day, but that was too high for him. Here's a youth it fits to a 't' Mr. William Gray of the teenth Foot, whom I knew years ago when we were kids in the same camp, and whose best claim to your notice is that you knew his father. He says so, and hopes you'll forgive all his budding iniquities on the strength of it."

You'll find him on the Board of Trade when the market's wobbling, saying that the Russians are just about to eat up Turkey, and that it'll take twenty million bushels of our wheat to make the bread for the sandwich; and down in the street, asking if you knew that the cashier of the Teenth National was leading a double life as a single man in the suburbs and a singular life for a married man in the city; and out on Prairie Avenue, whispering that it's too bad Mabel smokes Turkish cigarettes, for she's got such pretty curly hair; and how sad it is that Daisy and Dan are going to separate, "but they do say that he sh! sh! hush; here she comes."

Schuyler, the brigade commissary, being much with the teenth messing with them, in fact, when he was not dancing attendance on Miss Prime heard all this camp talk and told her. Gray's brother-officers really consider him in danger of dismissal?" "Miss Lawrence, I grieve to say that not one has any other opinion now." There could be no doubt of it.

While visiting among the haunts of civilization I conceived the idea that a splendid outfit of furs, dogs, and other educative curios would be of interest to the folks of the States. so to morrow I set sail for Alaska to secure such an outfit which I hope you may satisfactorly inspect before reading my book. Yours truly Black Beaver. Webster So. Dak. April 17, teenth 1911.

"There is trouble in town behind us, and the chief may need us there." But, as eight o'clock passed with no word of uprising in the rear, and the cheering over toward Santa Ana grew loud and louder, the nerve strain upon the teenth became well-nigh intolerable.