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The boy had been harder hit than seemed the case at first, said the fellows of the teenth; but the wise young surgeon of the "Second Reserve" and a grave-faced colonel of infantry could have told of causes little dreamed of in the regiment were either given to telling the half of what he knew. That something most unusual had occurred in the room of Mr.

To their left, separated by a narrow space, so crowded were the camps, were the quarters of the officers of the teenth Infantry, and even through the veil of mist both soldiers could plainly see along the line. Coming toward the gate was Mr. Prime, escorted by the major. Just behind them followed Mildred and the attentive Schuyler. But where was Miss Lawrence? Armstrong had already seen.

Strictly speaking, some one should have seen to it that Corporal Norton of the Volunteers was shifted back to Private Norton of the teenth, and the chevrons stripped from his sleeves; but no one had cared to interfere where the worsted was concerned, especially as the boy had won such praise for bravery at Concordia Bridge.

It was his devoted bunky, Private Latrobe, who volunteered to carry the division commander's dispatch across the open rice field and the yawning ditches that separated the staff from the rest of the charging teenth, and who died gloriously in the rush on the rebel works.

It was an exceedingly LONG LAY that, indeed; and though from the magnitude of the figure it might at first deceive a landsman, yet the slightest consideration will show that though seven hundred and seventy-seven is a pretty large number, yet, when you come to make a TEENTH of it, you will then see, I say, that the seven hundred and seventy-seventh part of a farthing is a good deal less than seven hundred and seventy-seven gold doubloons; and so I thought at the time.

One of them, of great proportions, painted in elaborate "subjects," like a ball-room of the seven- teenth century, was filled with the beds of patients, all draped in curtains of dark red cloth, the tradi- tional uniform of these, eleemosynary couches. Among them the sisters moved about, in their robes of white flannel, with big white linen hoods.

Such was the case with Canker and the teenth in the dense bamboo thicket to the south, and so it happened that at first Armstrong and Billy Gray saw nothing of each other, and but little of the White Sisters, probably a fortunate thing for all.

This deplorable situation was the effect of my brief course in the East, and the unsatisfactory "teenth" in a girl's years. It was under these trying conditions that, one bright afternoon, as I sat restless and unhappy in my mother's cabin, I caught the sound of the spirited step of my brother's pony on the road which passed by our dwelling.

He was ready to swear that the wounded Corporal Norton was the very same young man he saw in the adjutant's office of the teenth Regulars at Camp Merritt, and was then called Morton.

He had come to the teenth with a halo of condemnation from the regiment in which he had served as major and won his baleful name, and "the boys" of his new command soon learned to like him even less than those who had dubbed him "Squeers," because, as they explained, there wasn't any privilege or pleasure he would not "do the boys" out of if he possibly could.