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Updated: August 4, 2024

I wuz really sorry, for I always liked the Zar. Of course, we don't visit back and forth, he havin' the misfortune to not live neighbor to us. But I always thought he wuz likely, real smart and good-natered, lovin' his wife and babies devotedly, settin' a splendid example in this direction to other high potentates who act and behave more or less.

She not ze furst to be on board ze sheep. Zar no use you be mad, M'sieur; he laugh at you." "Then for once he will laugh at the wrong man, Broussard," I said soberly. Regretting the threat even as I uttered it, I left him and walked aft, aware as I turned of the sneer on his face. Yet even then, although burning with anger, I knew better than to remain.

In South Carolina, prison sailor when he shipwreck, starve him on nosin', den tell him eat this, ah! I sails 'round ze world, but never savage man gives me like zat to eat! No, I starve 'fore I eat him, be gar! Zar, you take him," said he, throwing the pieces of meat upon the floor in disdain. "Meat! Yes, it's what's sent here for us.

Oh yes, you shall zee as my 'onar and mine country is more dear to me zan my life. Zis grand rascal, he is my friend be-cause he do me zis injury so many times, and in ze end he do me so much good. You shall zee zar was a lady. Zat lady, ze grand rascal as writes zis letter it is so many years ago, as I almost forget pays to her his compliment. Pardon, madam, zat lady prefar me to ze gentleman.

Then he equipped his daughter for the journey and gave her all manner of presents and rarities and precious metals, such as none may describe; and Ayn Zar departed with the Princess to his own country.

A grand enough place for a Emperor or a Zar is the Capitol of our great nation where I found him, a good natured lookin' boy in buttons showin' me the Post.

But I do know this, that the beautiful Peace Monument is smashed all to pieces under the feet of the thousands and thousands of men sent out to murder and be murdered, and it is doubtful to me if the Zar can ever contoggle it up agin to be as strong as it wuz before. You know he will nachully git his muscles and will and temper kinder stiff jinted leadin' the armies and gittin' so awful mad.

And then that dear child proposed we should take Dorothy with us, knowin' Aunt Trypheny would ruther see her than any Emperor or Zar, and I gin my consent to that, and we sot off, Dotie happy as a Queen at goin' with us. Well, Aunt Pheeny wuz glad enough to see us, specially Dorothy.

Ayn Zar replied, 'I hear and I obey, and at once went forth to do his bidding. So Ghatrafan did his bidding and set out on his enterprise marching till midnight. Thus the two parties met halfway and the Wazir Ghatrafan fell upon the Wazir, Ayn Zar.

Beth Norvell turned about in dismay, her eyes pleading, her breath quickening. "You mean we are shut in here for the night? Is n't there any way leading out?" "Oh, si, si," and Mercedes smiled, waving her hands. "Zar is vay yonder vare de orchestra goes. Eet leads to de hall; I show you." "Did he know?" "Vat? Señor Farnham? No doubt, señorita. Come, eet ees but de step."

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