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Updated: August 1, 2024

Now, he had become a kind of Pedlar, selling Handkerchiefs made at Amsterdam, in imitation of those of Naples, with Women's Gloves, Fans, Essences, and Pomatums and in fact all the Whim-Whams that are known in the Italian trade as Galanterie le più curiose di Venezia e di Milano.

Ye may gang down yoursell, and look into our kitchen the cookmaid in the trembling exies the gude vivers lying a' about beef, capons, and white broth florentine and flams bacon wi' reverence and a' the sweet confections and whim-whams ye'll see them a', my leddy that is," said he, correcting himself, "ye'll no see ony of them now, for the cook has soopit them up, as was weel her part; but ye'll see the white broth where it was spilt.

He is conscious of his peculiarities; for when I asked him whether it would be well to make a naval officer Secretary of the Navy, he said, "God forbid, for that an old sailor was always full of prejudices and stubborn whim-whams," instancing himself; whereto I agreed.

Except in our large cities, where some foreign travel may have created the demand, it seems impossible to get much in this line that is properly prepared. If this is urged on the score of aesthetics, the ready reply will be, "Oh! we can't give time here in America to go into niceties and French whim-whams!"

Gaston, I think they come to try us mothers if they find us out not fit they don't stay. Such a lot of babies don't stay!" "Why Joyce!" Gaston tried to turn his gaze from that awful baby-stare. "Full of whim-whams and moonshine. You must get about more. You must come up to Drew's house to-morrow. It's a palace of a place and Filmer had a letter from Drew to-day.

Now, seeing that our change of fashions is so prompt and sudden, that the inventions of all the tailors in the world cannot furnish out new whim-whams enow to feed our vanity withal, there will often be a necessity that the despised forms must again come in vogue, these immediately after fall into the same contempt; and that the same judgment must, in the space of fifteen or twenty years, take up half-a-dozen not only divers but contrary opinions, with an incredible lightness and inconstancy; there is not any of us so discreet, who suffers not himself to be gulled with this contradiction, and both in external and internal sight to be insensibly blinded.

Of course, if it were offered now to the complex and sophisticated society of New York, it would fail to attract anything like the attention it received in the days of simplicity and literary dearth; but the same wit, insight, and literary art, informed with the modern spirit and turned upon the follies and "whim-whams" of the metropolis, would doubtless have a great measure of success.

"I thocht it my duty to speak, Miss Jan, and I'll say no more. But it's sheer defiance o' her Maker to crop her heid and to clothe herself in whim-whams, when she could be dressed like a lady; and I'm real vexed she should make such an object of herself when she might just be quite unnoticeable, sae wee and shelpit as she is."

It has not killed his mind and spirit, but it's killed the heart of the lad." Levi Markham got up and stood with his back to the fire. He was going to be enlightened he knew that but in man fashion he pushed the inevitable from him. "Whim-whams, 'Tilda! Now what do you mean in plain American? Who's given the boy a blow a hurt, or whatever you fancy?"

All that dancing and fiddle-scraping at Master Farwell's is not to my liking. The goings-on are evil-looking to my mind. The girl always was a parcel of whim-whams made up of odds and ends, as it was, of her fore-runners. What all the children of the Glenns might have been Priscilla is!" "So Jerry-Jo's fixed his bold eyes on the girl?" asked Mary McAdam. "It bodes no good for her.

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