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"Well, you won't git there," said the Deacon decisively. "We don't allow nobody in there who hain't arrived at the years o' discreetion, which'll keep you out for a long time yit." The train pulled over across the bridge, and handing the baby to its mother, Maria sprang in, to recoil in astonishment at the sight of Annabel's blushing face.

Weren't ye sent by heaven now? And you to run away! And if you're woundud, won't I have a carr'ge from the station, which'll be grander to go in, and impose on 'em, ye know. Pray, sir! I entreat ye!" The tears burst from her eyes, and her hot hand clung to his imploringly. Merthyr was a witness of the return of Mrs. Chump to Brookfield.

"See here," he said, "I am going to kiss you or fire you. Which'll you have?" Nance dodged his outstretched hand and reached the top step. "You won't do neither!" she cried fiercely. "You can't fire me, because I fired myself ten minutes ago, and I wouldn't kiss you to stay in heaven, let alone a damned old bottle factory!"

With this interjection, the knife descended on the puff, and it was in two, but the result was not satisfactory to Tom, for he still eyed the halves doubtfully. At last he said, "Shut your eyes, Maggie." "What for?" "You never mind what for. Shut 'em when I tell you." Maggie obeyed. "Now, which'll you have, Maggie, right hand or left?"

Let's scatter around and try to locate some kind of a job; then when them new employees o' Scraggsy quit or get fired which'll be after about two voyages an' the old man comes round holdin' out the olive branch o' peace, we'll give him the horselaugh." Three days of diligent search failed to uncover the coveted job for either, however, and on the morning of the fourth day Mr.

"That's right," said I. "I'm going down there on Tuesday. Could you send a man down that day to see the room and take the measurements? I'd like to be there myself." "Certainly, sir. "Very well. He'd better come by the nine-thirty, which'll get him down in two hours. I'll send to meet him. I'm going down by car myself." "Thank you, sir." He turned to the girl inquiringly.

"This is Hermy's flat, an' I guess you think you're safe here but you ain't! I'm thinkin' out which'll do th' least harm to her furniture to lick ye here or drag you out on to the landin' first!" Mr. Ravenslee lounged lower in the armchair and yawned behind the box of matches.

For, ye see, we'll need to watch him lest the wolves take a notion to eat him that'll be your duty, pup. Then I'll skin him when I get strong enough, which'll be in a day or two I hope, and we'll put one half of the skin below us and t'other half above us i' the camp, an' sleep, an' eat, an' take it easy for a week or two won't we, pup?"

Still waiting for reinforcements. "H-w-e." Haw! haw! haw!" with a terrible jerking of the reins. A voice over the way, distinctly audible, utters the cabalistic words, "Two forty." Another voice, as audible, asks, "Which'll you bet on?" It was not soothing. It did seem as if the imp of the perverse had taken possession of that terrible nag to go and make such a display at such a moment.

"You needn't 'massa' me, Cyd. Stop!" "Which'll I do, Massa Dandy, stand by de moorings, or stop?" demanded Cyd, whose ivories were now distinctly visible in the gloom of the night. "Neither; jump into the bateau, and bring the wherry alongside," replied Dandy. "Gossifus! What you gwine to do wid de wherry?" "Mind me, or go on shore!" said the skipper, sternly. "I'se gwine.