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One of those bits from 'Tell, which take me back to the lakes and the mountains whenever I hear them." Mrs. Hannaford rose, laughing as if ashamed; Olga lit the candles on the piano. "I shall have to play from memory and a nice mess I shall make of it." But memory served her for the passages of melody which Piers wished to hear.

The Great Deeds of Prayer "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father." JOHN xiv. 12. Whenever our Lord was about to say something usually important, He introduced it by the significant expression, "Verily, verily"; or, as it is in the original, "Amen, amen, I say unto you."

He does not force you forward. He calls, and He waits to receive you. Jack, will you come? 'Yes, I will, I said earnestly; 'I will come. We knelt down together, and I cannot remember the words he said, but I know that whenever I read in the Gospels those words in the first chapter of St. John, 'He brought him to Jesus, I think of that night.

They never tired of scrawling questions, of saying "poor little thing!" and of kissing her whenever they could get the opportunity, while she slowly went round the circus. "Deaf and dumb! ah, dear, dear, deaf and dumb!" was the general murmur of sympathy which greeted her from each new group, as she advanced; Mr.

At Tayf they had exchanged their money, getting thirteen piastres of the Cairo mint for one Spanish dollar, which at Djidda was worth but eleven; they had, therefore, made a common purse of one thousand dollars, and travelled from Djidda to Tayf, whenever the road was secure, for the sake of the two piastres which they gained upon each dollar.

Whenever that inner voice says 'Don't, we must disregard the persistent solicitations of others, and be ready to be singular, and run any risk rather than comply. 'So did not I, because of the fear of God, has to be our motto, whatever fellow-servants may say.

Whenever he heard of any discovery, he could not be contented till he saw it introduced. We often tried to get the two together, and very soon managed to throw an apple of discord between them. Pincott occupied much of his thoughts about a flying-machine, which no failure had taught him to believe could not be made to work.

She silently wiped her eyes and went on arranging her garlands, but tear after tear coursed down her cheeks. Ephraim knew not what to say, and mutely handed her the leaves and blossoms. Whenever his hand touched hers a thrill ran through his veins. His head and the wound began to ache, and he sometimes felt a slight chill.

Whenever he sneezed which he could do in the most natural manner we were to open the door, rush in, and secure the criminal! He was gone for some minutes. Charles and I waited outside in breathless expectation. Then Medhurst sneezed. We flung the door open at once, and burst in upon the creature. Medhurst rose as we did so. He pointed with his finger.

He was visited by the phantoms of his early friends, and sometimes thought his present life a dream. Whenever he awoke, however, he was commanded by a voice within himself to leap into the surges which washed the walls of his prison, and to dream these sad dreams no more.