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Updated: August 11, 2024

So saying, with a hasty step and defiant brow, he turned from her, and joined the group of Indians who were conversing with Howe, Sidney, and Edward. These Indians had evidently seen white men, or heard of them before; but could not speak a word of English, or any dialect the wanderers understood.

The Englishman aimlessly trailed his cane along the green pickets of the fence till they ended in a stone arch which rose high over the driveway. The gates were open, and coming toward the two wanderers as they stood at the curb rolled the royal barouche, on each side of which rode a mounted cuirassier, sashed and helmeted. The Englishman, however, had observed nothing; he was lost in some dream.

Ben Blair had seen many a human derelict on the frontier; the country was full of them, adventurers, searchers after lost health popularly denominated "one-lungers" soldiers of fortune; but he had never known such a class as this man represented, useless cumberers of the earth, wanderers by day, sleepers on the benches of public parks by night.

The final obstacle in the way of the boys' long deferred tramp was now removed. Still another last day was celebrated with fitting ceremonies, and the Snooks' roof sheltered the wanderers for positively the last time. Graham and Jack had made their farewells the previous evening, as they were to start early, and Ruth's suggestion of rising to see them off was immediately vetoed by her brother.

The authorities do not really care to arrest the wanderers during the summer months, as they know they will get them all when winter comes on; besides, in these villages all the people sympathize with us, and as we are armed, and not likely to be taken without a fight, it is not probable that one man would care to venture his life in such a matter." On arrival at the spirit-shop they went in.

"Thanks," said the newspaper man, taking the card. "And now," spake on the spokesman of the wanderers, "what can I do for you?" Newspaper men are perhaps the only creatures who as a type never learn how to ask questions. An embarrassment caused by the stupidity of the gabby great whom they interrogate daily puts a crimp into their tongues.

"You want me to live," she said; "I shall do so long as it pleases God. I bid you, therefore, farewell, but not forever, nor even for a very long while. All of us are nothing but poor wanderers whom God has sent on earth to perform their pilgrimage. But at length He opens to us again the doors of our paternal house and calls us home! I long for my return home, my beloved!

Painful and bitter were the thoughts that occupied my mind as I contrasted the circumstances of my departure then with my position now, and when I reflected that of all whose spirit and enterprise had led them to engage in the undertaking, two lone wanderers only remained to attempt its conclusion. June 19.

Ahead of us a blue jay kept close watch over our movements, but at last decided that we are harmless, and with a last shriek of defiance flew away to pour out his vituperations on other hapless wanderers. Adjusting our rods, and baiting our hooks with salmon roe, we crept down to where a little fall sent the water swirling around a rock, making a deep pool, and an ideal place for trout.

"Afore long," said the Captain; "so, Mara, I guess you'll want to be getting hum." Mrs. Pennel, too, had seen the white, dove-like cloud on the horizon, and had hurried to make biscuits, and conduct other culinary preparations which should welcome the wanderers home.

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