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And then, finally, came the Vision of the City. The wide expanse of rolling, slapping water was busy with innumerable harbor craft, crowded ferries, puffing tugs, each wafting its plume of smoke and white steam; but from those waters rose tier after tier of square-set skyscrapers climbing in an irregular hill to the thin peak of the highest tower.

Upon which Friday took him upon his back and so carried him to the canoe, setting him close by his father; and presently stepping out again, launched the boat off and paddled it along the shore faster than I could walk, though the wind blew very hard too, and having brought them safe to the creek, away he runs to fetch the other canoe, which he brought to the creek almost as soon as I got to it by land, when wafting me over, he took our new guests out of the boat; but so weak were they that I was forced to make a kind of a hand-barrow; and when I came to my castle, not being willing to make an entrance into my wall, we made them a handsome tent covered with old sails and boughs of trees, making two good beds of rice straw, with blankets to lie upon and cover them.

It was a large room. The house was large, too large and Victorianesque. Judith, apparently, had opened the back door, for a breeze was wafting through the downstairs rooms a breeze laden with the scent of flowers and the dew-damp breath of growing grass. He frowned. The month was October, not June, and since when did flowers bloom and grass grow in October?

It would be there, to them, from which wafting scents of dirt, rice, and wildly lush and weedy greenery, lost molecules from the whole, would pour into open windows. It would be there in poignant rushes of wind slapping their faces that, complacent or even content, these laborers in shared travels to the homes of extended family would find meaning in their relationships.

South Street on a bright evening, its myriad barber shops gleaming with lathered dusky cheeks, wafting the essence of innumerable pomades and lotions, that were a Travel indeed. On South Street the veins of life run close to the surface. We are no less human on our street, but it takes a bit more study to get at the secret. There is a certain reticence about us.

Nature is looking her best as we pass, and wafting off to us her sweetest smells; a green summer mantle clothes every eminence and gentle slope; and the nestling villages have such a quiet, peaceful look, that it seems almost a pity to disturb them as we certainly shall from their dream-like repose.

"It may be attributable to a sense of deserving, but I could plead guilty to a weakness for old Port to-day." "There shall be an extra bottle, sir." "All going favourably with you, as I have no cause to doubt," said Dr Middleton, with the motion of wafting his host out of the library. Starting from the Hall a few minutes before Dr.

There's a beautifully assorted smell of coffee and fried bacon wafting out from the dining room, and I can't bear it any longer." An unfeeling giggle from above was the only answer, and the Reverend Alan made his way into the house, pausing to sling his bath-towel picturesquely over one of the pegs of the hat-stand as he passed through the hall.

We've only met three or four times in our lives, but I knew this as well the first moment as I do now. I knew it when you came walking across the garden that morning, and I haven't known it any better since, and I couldn't in a thousand years. But of course " "Sit down," she said, wafting herself into a chair, and he obeyed her. "I should have to tell my father," she began.

Temple was dazed by this mystifying address to him; nor could I understand it. 'Why, papa, you always wished for me to go into Parliament, said I. 'I do, he replied, 'and I wish you to lead the London great world. Such topics are for by-and-by. Adieu to them! He kissed his wafting finger-tips. We fell upon our random talk again with a merry rattle.