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Updated: August 1, 2024

Maria and Francisco had heard, also, for they rested on their paddles a moment, to listen. Again came the new sound a shrill, prolonged cry wafting across the velvety river. Francisco looked back inquiringly at the two men amidships. "Go over," said Mr. Adams, with motion of hand. "Somebody's hailing us." Maria whooped loudly, and was answered. The dug-out turned, and slanted across the current.

This immense wave then retired, but returned with still greater violence, bringing with it the bodies of the men and animals it had previously swept away, dashing to pieces the whole of the boats, drowning all that were in them, and wafting the fragments far inland. The prince with 1,430 of his people perished by this disaster.

After mooring the skiff, we reentered the Nautilus's interior. I went below to the lounge, from which some chords were wafting. Captain Nemo was there, leaning over the organ, deep in a musical trance. "Captain!" I said to him. He didn't hear me. "Captain!" I went on, touching him with my hand. He trembled, and turning around: "Ah, it's you, professor!" he said to me.

The Raymonds, although pious, and more intelligent than most of their neighbours, kept up many of the usages of Fatherland on the Christmas occasion, perhaps more as wafting them back in remembrance of early enjoyment in the home circle, than from any present love of the festivity common at this period.

You do not know cannot guess what a wonderful liberty our Rowland Hill has given to British spirits, and how we 'flash a thought' instead of 'wafting' it from our extreme south to our extreme north, paying 'a penny for our thought' and for the electricity included. I recommend you our penny postage as the most successful revolution since the 'glorious three days' of Paris.

Will it not be some pleasure to have a woman with you who understands your heart as fully as you do hers? Adieu, a bientot. The wind is favorable, and I set sail, wafting you a kiss. Beatrix. "Ah! she loves, too!" thought Calyste, folding the letter sadly. That sadness flowed to the heart of the mother as if some gleam had lighted up a gulf to her.

Will the Professor have the kindness to inform me by what steps of gradual development the ring and the loadstone, which were but yesterday the toys of children and idlers, have become the means of approximating the intelligences of remote continents, and wafting emotions unchilled through the abysses of the no longer unfathomable deep?

It was beyond Johnnie's strength to watch what was happening. He threw up an arm to shut out the sight of Big Tom, and faced the other way. "Oh, don't!" he moaned weakly. "Oh, don't! Don't!" A strange, unpleasant odor was filling the room. He guessed that was the hat. Smoke came wafting his way next a whole cloud of it and drifted ceilingward. "Oh, Cis! Cis!" he moaned again.

Here the young shepherd himself climbs, leaping from rock to rock, supple, strong, brave, and free as the soul of his race, the same iron in his sinews, and the same fire in his blood that dealt the "dolorous rout" to Charlemagne a thousand years ago. Sweetly across the path of Roncesvalles blow the evening gales, wafting tender messages to the listening girls below.

Then Nicholas sang a song he had just learned: At nighttime in the moon's fair glow How sweet, as fancies wander free, To feel that in this world there's one Who still is thinking but of thee! That while her fingers touch the harp Wafting sweet music o'er the lea, It is for thee thus swells her heart, Sighing its message out to thee...

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