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Updated: August 20, 2024

Men came from near and far to examine that wagon, felt critically of every wheel, admired the shining coat of dark-green paint, and would always wind up with: "I vum, if that 'ere wagon ain't fine! Why, it's wuth fifty dollars, now, ef it's wuth a cent!"

If I could git some one to go with me, I'd tackle the job, but I vum if every time I perpose it to anyone they don't make some excuse." "I'm on," I declared. "I don't dread ghosts near as much as I do some living folks I know." "Right you air," chuckled the old man. "If you say so we'll go right off now jest as sure as shootin'. We may be ghosts ourselves tomorrow."

It was a beautiful place, but it seemed fated not to thrive. We must push on to some other territory." Dismounting, they started to poke among the ruins, thinking they might possibly turn up something of value. While they were at this task Barringford and the others appeared. "Well, I vum!" cried the old frontiersman. "Ef this ain't jess too naturally bad fer anything!

"In that case, pa'son," said he, "I should like to state that it would be my purpose to make over that lot to the town to be held as public land forever." Again the village folk outdid themselves in applause, while Young Nick muttered, "Well, I vum!" beneath his breath, and Hattie replied, antiphonally, "My soul!" These were not the notes of mere surprise.

''S a very long journey, says she, 'I am told, An' before ye got back, they would surely be cold. O, my fallow, etc. 'I hev 'em right with me, I vum an' I vow, An' if you don't object I'll deliver 'em now. O, my fallow, etc. She laid her fair head all on to my breast, An' ye wouldn't know more if I tol' ye the rest O, my fallow, etc.

I'll go and get it." "Well, I vum!" exclaimed Colonel Witham, as the girl started for the shed. "That girl beats me." "Look out, I'm coming," called a childish voice, presently. The door of the shed was pushed open, and Bess Thornton, standing on a stool, could be seen climbing into the saddle of what resembled closely a pair of wagon wheels connected by a curving bar of iron.

Ef he'd been ter the mill I wouldn't hev been dependent upon my niece ter help row that old boat." "Too heavy for her too heavy for her, Jabe," declared Joe Bascom. "Huh! is thet so?" snapped the miller. He could grumble to Ruth himself, but he would not stand for any other person's criticism of her. "Lemme tell ye, she worked her passage all right. An' I vum!

"In that case, pa'son," said he, "I should like to state that it would be my purpose to make over that lot to the town to be held as public land forever." Again the village folk outdid themselves in applause, while Young Nick muttered, "Well, I vum!" beneath his breath, and Hattie replied, antiphonally, "My soul!" These were not the notes of mere surprise.

"I'll see about that, I will," said the barefoot cherub, as she pulled on her sunbonnet and set out for the schoolhouse, pushing resolutely forward on her sturdy little legs. "I vum!" said the old man, as he saw her disappear round the fence corner. The quaint little thing had not yet been in the house a week.

Biggs, who, mistaking the right-hand slipper for the left, began tugging at it. "I told you so," she said. "Your foot is twice as big." "Try this one," Jack suggested, "or let me;" and he fitted the slipper at once to the little foot, while Mrs. Biggs exclaimed, "Wall, I vum, it does fit to a T! If anything, it's too big."

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