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Il me sembloit que ie marchois sur vn chemin de verre qui se cassoit a tous coups soubs mes pieds: la neige congelee venant a s'amollir, tomboit et s'enfoncoit par esquarres ou grandes pieces, et nous en auions bien souuent iusques aux genoux, quelquefois iusqu'a la ceinture.

Chopin when applied to for his signature wrote: "La lettre venant des Allemands, comment voulez-vous que je m'arroge le droit de la signer?" The battle fought in the pages of the Musical World in 1841 illustrates the then state of matters in England. Hostilities commenced on October 28 with a criticism of the Mazurkas, Op. 41. Of its unparalleled nature the reader shall judge himself:

Douay, Béthune, St Venant and Aine fell, one after the other, the French army keeping watch behind its strongly fortified lines. This was a very meagre result, but Marlborough now felt his position to be so insecure that he dared not take any risks.

On that night in reality during the early hours of April 17 the Battalion was relieved almost in the ordinary way by the Gloucesters, who came forward from the luxury of St. Venant and took over the line between Carvin and Baquerolle. St. Venant had been Portuguese G.H.Q. but was so no longer.

We detrained at Aire, and though we had only another four miles to go to our billets at Fontes, it was quite enough for anyone with a touch of the "'flu." From here parties went out every day to reconnoitre the various lines in the Robecq-St Venant sector, and to get to know the country before we were told to take over the line.

Venant Asylum, a large institution said to be the second largest of the kind in France. Its protesting inmates had been removed in lorries at the time of the German capture of Merville, and the long galleries and rooms thereafter became filled with troops.

«On peut prendre une idée légère et imparfaite de cette majestueuse enceint, en se la figurant comme un amphithéâtre moins remarquable par la vaste étendue de son arêne que par la hauteur prodigieuse de ses murs qui, par-tout bordés de parties saillantes, d'échancrures profondes, et hérissés de rochers dont la ruine est prochaine, se sont entièrement écroulés du côté du nord; elle-est couronnée vers le sud par deux sommets cylindriques recouverts d'une croûte épaisse de neige durcie, et que leur forme a fait nommer tour de marbre. Au-dessous se succèdent, en forme de gradins, de vastes platte bandes d'une neige qui ne disparoît jamais, et qui ne cesse point de se fondre insensiblement. Les eaux produites par cette stillation continuelle se divisent en sept ou huit petits torrens qui naissant sous ces lits de glace, et roulent sur le penchant rapide de la montagne ou jaillissent en cascades, quand elle se trouve coupée a pic. L'un de ces torrens venant du côté de l'est et dont le volume surpasse celui de tous les autres ensemble, se précipite du haut d'un rocher qui s'avance en saillie, et tombe avec un bruit horrible

A troublesome flank. Billeted in St. Venant. The lunatic asylum. La Pierrière. The Robecq sector. The closing phases of the war are so comparatively fresh and vividly remembered that a less close description need be attempted of them than of more early periods.

A tout venant le Coeur vend des Carreaux. He left behind him the Rue de la Clef, then the Fountain Saint-Victor, skirted the Jardin des Plantes by the lower streets, and reached the quay. There he turned round. The quay was deserted. The streets were deserted. There was no one behind him. He drew a long breath. He gained the Pont d'Austerlitz. Tolls were still collected there at that epoch.

He added, that two years before, the confederates might have taken Arras and Cambray, instead of amusing themselves with the insignificant conquests of Aire, Bethune, and St. Venant.