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'Vere do you garry your prains? he asked. 'In your boods? The girl began to whimper, and the lieutenant took Darco by the sleeve. 'Don't worry her to-night, governor, he said. 'She's a good little sort, and her mother's dying. 'Vy the tevil didn't you zay zo? demanded the manager. 'How am I to know? Gif her a zovereign, he whispered, 'and ask her if she vants anything bort-wine or chellies.

At last, bursting with his feelings, he snatched up his sword, put it into the sheath, and was about to quit the room, when in came the landlady with the constable. "You vants me, sir?" said the man. "I did," stammered Vanslyperken, "but she is gone." "I must be paid for my trouble, sir, if you please."

At half-past three in the morning, well before daylight, the mounted infantry picket at the junction of the roads from Landmans and Vants Drifts was fired into by the Doornberg commando, and retired upon its supports.

Mebbe he tink it is a bear. Yes, put dis on too, you vants it all," she declared. "It's all of twelve mile out dere. If you not need de tings no longer, by and by you send 'em back. It's all right. I no need 'em. Yoost keep 'em so long vhat you like. Didn't Hugo Ennis tell you bring varm clothes vid you?" "No," said Madge. "I I don't think he spoke of them."

"Well," says he, "I should like to see the thief as could get this here watch out, for I'm blessed if I ever can, it's such a tight fit," says he, "and wenever I vants to know what's o'clock, I'm obliged to stare into the bakers' shops," he says.

"Vell, if I is treated according to my merits it's all I vants, 'cos I'se certain to get 'nuff to heat and drink without vorking very hard and vot can a gemman 'spect more in this vorld?"

That's what I came for to-day, Sir. Ven I first go, I takes the money, I gives it to my vrow, and she takes care of it. Now I vants my vrow to give that two tousand dollars to that Jew's vrow. The vrow spells the rest. Ah, that's wrong; you makes a blunder. Its V. not F. That's like all vrows. I likes mine own vrow. I not likes to be a vrow myself.

"Papineau he tells me in Carcajou it look like you come ofer here to make drouble for Hugo an' mebbe for dis young leddy. So I come here fast like my togs can take me, sure ting. Und I vant to know vhen you vants to start droubles. Der leddies can move leetle vay to one side if dey like, to make room. Ve need plenty, I tank. Who vant to start de row now, who begin?

'Verefore an' v'y? enkvires my feyther, but Black Dan only vagged 'is veppings in my feyther's face, an' grinned under 'is mask. 'I vants you, so, 'Andsome 'Arry come down! sez 'e. Now I've told you as my feyther vos the boldest " "Yes, yes," cried the fussy gentleman. "Well?"

Will you take me to Carcajou in good time? I can't afford to miss it. Too many needing me just now east of here!" "Ay, I take you if Hugo he no worse. But if tings is goin' wrong, I'll let Papineau do it. I I can't leaf no more. Vhen I starts from here I tank I can't stand it a moment but vhen I get off on de road, I gets grazy to come back. I I don't know vhat I vants!"