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"Live down your enemies, David!" she had said, as she kissed him. The words were insincere. They had a false sound, or an unconvincing sound. They had jarred on David Lockwin. "I can outlive my friends easily enough, it seems," he thought, as he recited the lines of holy fields over whose acres walked those blessed feet. "I can outlive poor Davy. I ought to be happy in politics.

"No! No! No! No! No!" cried the butterfly with great and unconvincing fervor. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" "On the circumstantial evidence of a pink rose petal. But worse is coming. The charge is unprovoked and willful murder." Butterflies are strange creatures. This one seemed far less concerned over the latter than the former accusation. "Of whom?" she inquired.

What else would you have me do but save him, no matter what the cost to myself?" He propped his chin on his hands and surveyed her quizzically. Felix, despite his protests, was not enamoured of Delgratz, and his mercurial temperament rejoiced in the near approach of his beloved Paris. "All this sounds heroic and therefore unconvincing," he said.

He had argued that the pernicious practice was sure to wreck her digestion and ruin her teeth, but she had confounded him utterly by displaying twin rows as sound as pearls, as white and regular as rice kernels. Her digestion, he had to confess, was that of a Shetland pony, and he had been forced to fall back upon an unconvincing prophecy of a toothless and dyspeptic old age.

She had drifted so far away from the town that the sixth assertion that "it was a great pity Kitty Wilson was going to marry that worthless Clark boy" aroused no interest in her. She was still more bored by their phonograph, on which they played over and over the same twenty records. She would make quick, unconvincing excuses about having to hurry away.

At last, sated with homage, he thought of justice, and pointed to the band and smiled with an unconvincing air of humility, as if saying: "I am naught. Here are the true heroes." And on the end of his stick he lifted to their feet eighty men, whose rising drew invigorated shouts. Enthusiasm reigned; triumph was accomplished.

It was his habitat, his distinctly, from the pronounced but meaningless intricacy of the architecture to the studied but unconvincing tints, like a man who suddenly starts to speak, but checks himself, realising he has nothing in particular to say.

At the same time, all were too well-bred to think that Gaston did this because the gipsy had a daughter with him, a girl of strong, wild beauty, with a look of superiority over her position. He thought of all the circumstances now. It was very many months ago. The man had been accused of stealing and assault, but the evidence was unconvincing to Gaston. The feeling in court was against the gipsy.

To insure belief, all statements must rest ultimately either upon the testimony of witnesses or upon statements admitted to be true. Notice how unconvincing is the following portion of a brief: Proposition American cities should own and operate all street-car lines within their limits. I. The present system of operating street-car lines is efficient, for

"I don't guess a thing. We've just got to." The surly determination was unconvincing. "An' why not?" The half-breed's eyes were widely questioning. "It don't worry me a thing. We fixed Mowbray all right. He was no blamed sucker. I tell you right here there's no white outfit goin' to dip into my basket, an' get away with it. We'll hammer 'em good and proper.