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In far lands the mere thought of it has brought tears to the eyes unaccustomed, so close do the scents and sights of the old Free Province the lordship of the Picts wind themselves about the hearts of its sons. "We transplant badly, we plants of the hills. You must come back to me," said Winsome, after a pause of wondering silence.

Neelands took the out-trail when all the signs were against travelling, but to his unaccustomed eye there was nothing to fear in the woolly grayness of the sky, nor in the occasional snowflake that came riding on the wind. The roads were hard-packed and swept clean by the wind, and the sensation of space and freedom most enjoyable. Mr.

Five hundred a year! he was to receive a pitiful five hundred a year; whilst his cousins struggling men of the world, unaccustomed to luxury and splendour were each to have an income of five thousand. And this woman this base, unknown, friendless creature, who had nothing but her diabolical beauty to recommend her was to have a splendid fortune!

Hanbury-Green entered the room and suggested emptying the water jug over her. It appears he has a sister who is subject to these attacks, and this is the only method which has any effect upon her. I suppose in his circle they would have a number of crude remedies which we are unaccustomed to, but it seemed to be the right one for M. E., who pulled herself together at once.

An unexpected result, which was certainly the collapse which Lupin's pride demanded, but also something more, something infinitely touching and infinitely artless. Lupin gave a movement of annoyance and took up his hat, as though this unaccustomed display of sentiment were too much for him. But, on reaching the door, he stopped, hesitated and then returned, slowly, step by step.

Jameson bent over the horse and lashed it to a run. Half way to the oak the Harvester remembered the revolver, but being unaccustomed to weapons, he had forgotten it when he needed it most. He replaced the earth in the sack and dragged it away, then plunged into the lake, and afterward went to bed, where he slept soundly until dawn.

We now come to one of the picturesque incidents that Sturt has introduced in his narrative, and that help to fix on our memory the strangely weird picture of the lonely band of men confronted with the unaccustomed forces of nature in this wilderness. "As we rode across the stony plain lying between us and the hills, the heated and parching blasts that came upon us, were more than we could bear.

She did not know what manner of thing had caused it, but her intuition warned her that behind that concealing screen lay mortal danger to the unconscious man. "Billy!" she cried, the unaccustomed name bursting from her lips involuntarily. "In the bush at your left look out!" At the note of warning in her voice Byrne had turned at her first word it was all that saved his life.

Their reply was that they had nothing to say, except to request that the king would grant them a passage through his country. His answer was that he was glad, that they should see the King of Eyeo's face, and that he would give them a good path and forward them on without trouble; but that they must ride on horseback, as his people were unaccustomed to carry hammocks.

The unaccustomed nurse got his patient into bed again with arduous labor, and was just wondering what to do next when the doctor arrived. Michael watched the grave face of the old doctor as he examined the sick man, and knew that his intuitions had been right. Mr. Endicott was very seriously ill. The doctor examined his patient with deliberation, his face growing more and more serious.