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"She has paid me back all that she owed me," cried Agathe, rising and turning an angry face to her son; "and besides, that is my affair. You have killed her. Go away, my son," she added, with a gesture that took all her remaining strength, "and never let me see you again. You are a monster." "I kill her?" "Her trey has turned up," cried Joseph, "and you stole the money for her stake."

All three were silent, and avoided looking at each other; but the next moment, by an almost frantic gesture, Agathe laid her finger on her lips as if to entreat a secrecy no one desired to break. They returned to the salon, and sat beside the fire. "Ah! my children," cried Madame Descoings, "I am stabbed to the heart: my trey will turn up, I am certain of it.

"Take your poor little all? the fruit of those privations that have made me so unhappy! are you mad, Joseph?" cried the old woman, visibly torn between her dogged faith in the coming trey, and the sacrilege of accepting such a sacrifice. "Oh! take it if you like," said Agathe, who was moved to tears by this action of her true son.

"Well, if she is dying of a lost trey, it isn't I who have killed her," said the drunkard. "Go, go!" said Agathe. "You fill me with horror; you have every vice. My God! is this my son?" A hollow rattle sounded in Madame Descoings's throat, increasing Agathe's anger. "I love you still, my mother, you who are the cause of all my misfortunes," said Philippe.

At the same time he doubtless harbours a lower personal ambition, that of attaining to a canonry or of gaining assistance in the little worries of life, as when he wished to extricate his brother from trouble. Here, you know, people stake their luck on a cardinal just as they nurse a 'trey' in the lottery, and if their cardinal proves the winning number and becomes pope they gain a fortune.

The old gentleman began to be alarmed at the schisms that arose among his children, but did not yet believe his son's doctrine to be so pernicious as it really was, till one day talking of his setting-dog, the son said he did not question but Trey was as immortal as any one of the family; and in the heat of the argument told his father, that for his own part he expected to die like a dog.

Jeeminnetticus! says Hadds, 'when he mixes coffin varnish for a man you'd think he was scramblin' eggs. Come on, Washy, he says, 'while you got the price. You'd like the business. "One night it happened Bitter Water Simpson was borne on the wings of evening to my place of business, and he calculated that the last two cards in the box would come out, queen first, trey next.

That worthy soul was nursing up a combination of three numbers called a "trey" in a lottery, and lotteries give no credit to their customers.

Simultaneously and in silence they faced their cards on the table, while a general tiptoeing and craning of necks took place among the onlookers. Daylight showed four queens and an ace; MacDonald four jacks and an ace; and Kearns four kings and a trey. Kearns reached forward with an encircling movement of his arm and drew the pot in to him, his arm shaking as he did so.

"That is fitter for yourself, Captain Paul, lonely leader of the suit." "Lonely? Aye, but number one cannot but be lonely, my trump." "Again I give it back. Ace-of-trumps may it prove to you, Captain Paul; may it be impossible for you ever to be taken. But for me poor deuce, a trey, that comes in your wake any king or knave may take me, as before now the knaves have."