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Somme toute, I have had a glorious time, have seen the world from the man's point of view and I can assure you that from his point of view it is a jolly place to live in He can walk up and down the Strand and receive no insult. "Well now, to relieve your anxieties, I will tell you, that after a brief visit to South Wales to recuperate from the exertions of that trial, Mr.

The art of Réjane accepts things as they are, without selection or correction; unlike Duse, who chooses just those ways in which she shall be nature. What one remembers are little homely details, in which the shadow, of some overpowering impulse gives a sombre beauty to what is common or ugly. She renders the despair of the woman whose lover is leaving her by a single movement, the way in which she wipes her nose. To her there is but one beauty, truth; and but one charm, energy. Where nature has not chosen, she will not choose; she is content with whatever form emotion snatches for itself as it struggles into speech out of an untrained and unconscious body. In "Sapho" she is the everyday "Venus toute entière

"C'est a Kirsch je bense je l'ai vu toute a l'heure qui brenoit des sangviches dans la voiture," said the courier in a fine German French.

Still another of the ugly cottages, cursed by artists but inhabited by them, was hired at ten pounds a year by two young landscapists. That the domestic manoeuvring of young landscapists is not always toute rose we saw reason later to believe.

To-day I wear the beautiful bracelet which you sent me because I admired it." "And I, ma toute belle," cried the countess, "have adorned myself with this superb gold brocade which you so kindly had sent from Paris for me." "You have forgotten, countess, that you begged of me to give the order for you." "Ah, that is true! Then I am your debtor."

I was glad that Father turned to us, and I said: "Siegfried Sch. and the girl drove in the fourth break, I saw them getting in. And it was toute meme chause where he drove and with whom he was driving." Directly she said that Father was in such a passion as I have never seen him in before.

Hippolyte thinks we are awfully greedy; he was heard yesterday grumbling to the Baronne's maid, "Mais diable est-ce que ces dames mettent tout ce qu'elles mangent? Elles goblottent toute la journée!" After dinner we drank our coffee on the terrace and listened to the band.

When a letter arrived in France some months ago addressed only to 'Hickey's Hut, France, it reached its destination toute de suite, forty-eight hours after it arrived. "The French climate has hit our boys hard. It is wet and penetratingly cold. Goes right to the marrow, and three suits of underwear are no protection against it.

" 'Les six syllabes sont le sommaire de toute doctrine et l'apre empire de neige, sera rempli de cette doctrine par la force de ces six syllabes Om ma ni pad me houm.

"I am always sorry," said she, "when any stranger sees me, parceque je sais que je detruis toute illusion. Je sais que je devrais avoir l'air d'une heroine, et surtout que je devrais avoir l'air malheureuse ou epuise an moins rien de tout cela, helas!" She is much better than a heroine she is benevolence and truth itself.