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Toomey was thinking of Mormon Joe's murder one morning while she dusted, and of Kate conjecturing as to what would become of the girl when the bank foreclosed and she lost everything. She sighed as, with the corner of her apron, she removed a smudge from her nose before the mirror. Wasn't there anything in the world any more but trouble for people who had no money?

It stimulated his imagination like strong coffee and evoked the roseate dreams of hasheesh. Even Mrs. Toomey, cautious and conservative as she was by nature and through many disappointments, could not resist the contagion of her husband's enthusiasm. To say that Toomey looked forward with eagerness to this meeting of the Boosters Club is to express it inadequately.

Let's have a quiet evening." "A quiet evening!" Toomey snorted. "That's my idea of hell. I'll tell you about me, Old Dear I'm going to have one more whirl if I have to walk back to Prouty, and you might as well go with me." Since he was determined, Mrs.

The leopard, thoroughly cowed, leaped back into his cage and curled up in the farthest corner, spitting insanely. Lone Wolf dashed at the door by which Toomey had fled, but a whirl of flame in his face drove him back to the middle of the floor, where the little bear stood whimpering.

Toomey brushed the ashes from his cigarette into the excavated grapefruit, and yawned and stretched like a cat on its cushion. "Think of something pleasant what are we going to do this evening?" "We mustn't do anything," Mrs. Toomey protested quickly. "If we spend any more we will have to get a check cashed, and that might be awkward, since we know no one; besides, we can't afford it.

If anybody at Argenta or among the mines had any questions to ask, Ben was to know next to nothing. But what set Ben's wits to work was the odd behavior of his fireman, Jim Toomey. Toomey was a silent sort of chap as a rule, and surely, too, with a grudge against the gang over in Hatch's Cove and up the Run. Toomey had taken to firing because he had got cleaned out at the mines.

"Stay here," whispered Toomey, "and keep sittin'." Then, wiping his hands on a wad of waste, and with an affable grin on his face, he swung over behind Ben and leaned out of the cab. "Hullo, Scotty! Any of our fellers in that outfit?" "Hullo, Toomey! None of 'em with that gang, but there's three of 'em came, and old Nolan's head of the whole caboodle. He's their cap' and spokesman." "Nolan!

"This" it was for him to make known, yet in so doing he might betray himself and the purpose of his coming, and so undo every hope and plan he had made. There was no Toomey to help him now no devoted ex-trooper and friend to back him. Engineer, fireman, conductor, and brakemen, every man of the crew had to be at his post as the freight panted away up the winding mountain road.

Toomey, who lingered at the breakfast table the morning after Kate's return, thinking of many things while she absently clinked her spoon against the edge of her cup. Jap had just left after an animated argument as to whether policy demanded the entertainment at dinner of the barber and his wife, who contemplated buying a sewing machine of a make for which Toomey was now the agent.

"Please, sir, Nancy Toomey has been calling you a carroty-headed crawler." Tommy's eyebrows were raised, his eyes and mouth wide open. Philip looked over his head at Nancy, whose face was on fire. He slowly repeated: "Nancy Toomey has been calling me a carroty-headed crawler, has she?" "Yes, sir. That's what she called you. I heard her." "Well, Tommy, go to your seat like a good boy.