United States or United States Virgin Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Toomey saw the pantomime and was curious. The sound of voices raised in altercation followed. She recognized that of Teeters. "I tell you it is, Toomey! I'll swear to it! I'd know it anywhere because of that peculiarity!" She could not catch the words of a second speaker, but the tone was equally aggressive and unfriendly. "Then prove it!" Toomey's voice was shrill with excitement and defiant.

Toomey looked on anxiously while he produced the contents of his pocket. "Sorry, sir, but it isn't enough," said the waiter, after counting the notes he tossed upon the plate. Toomey found the discovery amusing. "You s'prise me," he chuckled. "Sorry, sir, but " the waiter persisted. With a swift transition of mood Toomey demanded haughtily: "Gue'sh you don' know who I am?" "No, sir."

A.J. Toomey, President of the Pennsylvania firm, in alleging these facts pointed out that he mentioned only what was well known in shipping circles and did so merely to establish the fact that there had been no wrong intent with reference to his shipments.

Teeters' hair, sleek, glossy, fragrant, and brushed straight back, gave him a marked resemblance to a muskrat that has just come up from a dive. With a sublimated confidence that was sickening to such citizens as had known him when he worked for wages and wore overalls, and particularly to Toomey, who took Teeters' success upon the ranch where he himself had failed as a personal affront, Mr.

Adversity had sharpened her intuitions, developed her sensibilities; what others might fear, she knew, and this commonplace held all her disappointment, all the chagrin and hopelessness that in an instant had dissipated the roseate dreams she had again dared to entertain. Toomey was too dazed to reply.

Pantin's set society smile was on her small mouth, but the finality of the laws of the Medes and the Persians was in her tone as she replied: "I never think of interfering with my husband's business or making suggestions. As fond as I am of you, Delia, you'll have to ask him yourself." Mrs. Toomey had the feeling that they never would be quite on the same footing again.

The meeting was called for Monday night, and with only twenty-four hours in which to think of something for Prouty's salvation, the heads of households taxed their brains diligently for an original idea to offer. No such perturbation obtained in the Toomey family, however, where Mr. and Mrs.

To borrow five dollars nowadays was a distinct achievement, and his sallow face had taken on the habitual expression of a hungry wolf waiting for strays and weaklings. Mrs. Toomey still anticipated the day when "Jap would get into something." As much worse as was Sunday than Monday, just so much worse was winter than summer in Prouty.