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However, that can be putt to rights; we'll rig up a jury-mast and get on famously, so keep up your heart, old girl, and give us a nor' . There, you'd better stay below yet awhile; it's dirty on deck." The weather was not long of improving. A profound calm followed the storm. Bright sunshine banished the thunder-clouds.

The general effect was that of 'perambulating rainbows en petit surmounted by sable thunder-clouds. One youth, whose complexion unmistakably wore the shadowed livery of the burnished sun, crowned his wool with a scarlet smoking-cap, round which he had wound a white gauze veil. The light of day was not intense, but his skin was doubtless of most delicate texture.

And to a girl bred in the near neighbourhood of Exmoor it sounded very sporting. Into this innocent, frugal, well-managed hamlet Priscilla dropped suddenly from nowhere, trailing with her thunder-clouds of impulsive and childish ideas about doing good, and holding in her hands the dangerous weapon of wealth.

All day the sky had been banked with thunder-clouds, but by the time we reached Chartres, toward four o'clock, they had rolled away under the horizon, and the town was so saturated with sunlight that to pass into the cathedral was like entering the dense obscurity of a church in Spain. At first all detail was imperceptible; we were in a hollow night.

Scarcely were their anchors down than the hurricane came on with greater fury than before. The night was as dark as pitch, heavy thunder-clouds rolling overhead; but the wind was off the land, though it was a question whether it might not change, and should any of the ships be driven ashore, their crews could expect but little mercy from the hands of the Japanese.

We could watch the columns of smoke as they rolled up from the scene of carnage, and see the flashes of bursting shells, like sheets of lightning in dark thunder-clouds, and hear the tremendous roar of arms. In the afternoon, as the rebels charged upon a certain part of our lines, we could watch the movements of both armies.

The attractive early traits in Saul's character slowly perhaps but steadily, disappeared. The fair morning sky was heavy with thunder-clouds by midday, and they all began with a light fleecy film that none noticed at first. III. The long eclipse. 'An evil spirit from the Lord troubled him, and the Spirit of God departed from him.

Far off across that 'waveless sea' of Lombardy, which has been the battlefield of countless generations, rise the dim grey Alps, or else pearled domes of thunder-clouds in gleaming masses over some tall solitary tower. Such backgrounds, full of peace, suggestive of almost infinite distance, and dignified with colours of incomparable depth and breadth, the Venetian painters loved.

The crew had gathered aft, and two or three looked thunder-clouds at me as I spoke. "Thine assertion needs proof," observed the captain. "Was thy cask of sugar open, Andrews?" "No, sir, tightly headed up," answered Andrews. "Then it must have been forced open by some iron instrument," said the captain. "Bring it aft here." The empty keg was brought. "I thought so," remarked the captain.

Beyond that range, in a slender ribbon of pale purple, one saw the ridge of a more remote and mightier chain. The two men had lost an hour huddled under a canopy beneath the cannonading of a sudden storm. They had silently watched titanic battallions of thunder-clouds riding the skies in gusty puffs of gale, and raking the earth with lightning and hail and water.