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"At that Tom Gallagher's young fly-be-night joined in; an' says he, 'Misther Hinnissy, he says, 'if ye'll go on, he says, 'I'll fetch ye a pair iv skates. 'Bring thim along, says Hinnissy. An' he put thim on. Well, Jawn, he sthud up an' made wan step, an' wan iv his feet wint that way an' wan this; an' he thrun his hands in th' air, an' come down on his back. I give him th' merry laugh.

He'll send your horse back to Usher and let you take a fresh horse when you start for the Concho. Take it easy, and don't talk." "All right, boss. But I was thinkin' " "What?" "Well, it's men like me and you that puts things through. It takes a man with sand to go around this country gettin' pinched and thrun and burnt up and bein' arrested every time he goes to spit.

An' he turned aff from the door, an' wint round to the cow-house, an' settled himself as well as he could, in the sthraw; an' he was tired enough wid the thravellin' he had in the day-time, an' a good dale bothered with what liquor he had taken; so he was purty sure of sleepin' wherever he thrun himself.

'Gleason have wan or two lodgin'-houses. 'Three, says Shay; 'but Hinkey knows all th' lodgers, he says. ''Twas a mane thing th' main guy done with Callaghan, says Hogan. 'What's that? says Shay. 'Thrun him off th' bridge, says Hogan, 'because he come fr'm Kerry, he says. 'I don't believe wan wurrud iv it, says Mullaney. 'They're more Kerry men on bridges thin anny other counties, he says.

Synge was always delighted to hear and remember any good phrase. I remember his delight at the words of a local politician who told us how he became a Nationalist. He took the unfortunate tenant and thrun him in the road, and I saw the man's wife come out crying and the agent's wife thrun her in the channel, and when I saw that, though I was but a child, I swore I'd be a Nationalist.

'None iv ye'er business, says Pat. 'Answered like a man an' a sojer, says th' coort. 'Jackuse, says Zola fr'm th' dureway. An' they thrun him out. 'Call Col. Hinnery, says th' coort. 'He ray-fuses to answer. 'Good. Th' case is clear. Cap forged th' will.

But don't you want to see that show we've got tickets for?" "No, I've had enough of this old town. I'm crazy to go home." "Home it is, then." He called sharply; "Lucius!" The man appeared, impassive, noiseless, unhurried. The Captain issued his orders: "Thrun me garbage into a thrunk, and call some one to help the missus; we're goin' to hit the sunset trail to-night.

Dorgan goes up an' shakes his fist at him, an' th' la-ad gives him a jab with his bayonet that makes th' poor ol' man roar like a bull. 'In th' name iv th' people iv th' State iv Illinys, he says, 'disperse, he says, 'ye riter, he says; 'an', if ye don't go home, he says, 'ye ol' omadhon, he says, 'I'll have ye thrun into jail, he says. "Dorgan haven't got over it yet.

'But he wint out the wrong door, bein' a thrifle hearty in himself, an' not rightly knowin' whether he was standin' on his head or his heels, or both iv them at the same time, an' in place iv gettin' into bed, where did he thrun himself but into the poulthry hamper, that the boys had settled out ready for the gandher in the mornin'. An' sure enough he sunk down soft an' complate through the hay to the bottom; an' wid the turnin' and roulin' about in the night, the divil a bit iv him but was covered up as shnug as a lumper in a pittaty furrow before mornin'.

"Didn't I tell ye I would work it off, little by little?" said Mike, who had suddenly become very pale. "It was me poor mother bein' sick last year that thrun us back, an' you said ye would have patience wid us." "Then ye had a right to behave better," returned Rorke. "How dar' ye go make up to my granddaughter, you young villain? I'd have ye to know that Miss Rorke is not for the likes of you."