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"On the brow of a high hill forming part of the range of Pendle, and commanding an extensive view over the forest, and the wild and mountainous region around it, stands a stern solitary tower. Old as the Anglo-Saxons, and built as a stronghold by Wulstan, a Northumbrian thane, in the time of Edmund or Edred, it is circular in form and very lofty, and serves as a landmark to the country round.

The young medic looked up as Thane stepped off the mobiltrack and entered the room. "You're Thane," he said, with curiosity in his voice. "The instructions and the sleep-record just came through the Pneum. I've heard about you people from Proxima. Just how does it work, anyway?" Thane walked over to the sleep-table and grinned a little wearily. "How are you able to see?" he asked.

"Yonder is Redwald the thane," he said; "mind how you speak, man." "Thane or not, I have come to take him to Edric the earl," was the answer. "Ho, thane! hear you the earl's message?" Now when this began, I had taken up the scabbard with my right hand and was looking at the work, and the sword was in my left, hidden by my cloak as it fell to my side.

The whole physique of Rossi in the scene in the first act where the king heaps favors and commendations on his valiant warrior was eloquent of conscious guilt: the constrained attitude, the shifting, uneasy glance, told, louder than words, of a wicked purpose and a stinging conscience. From the moment of the murder the wretched thane lives in a perpetual atmosphere of fear.

"You're not likely to get anywhere, Foss, by keeping up a stern chase," he argued. "He has got too big a lead. Our only chance is to rush a lot of men out ahead of him in cars, and then work back through the woods." A boy came up with Courtney's fedora hat, which he had picked up in the brush near the fence. "There's a bullet hole through it, Mr. Thane," he cried in great excitement.

"What can men quarrel about when they don't know each other well? Politics, perhaps?" Daphne endeavored to give her words a general application. "It was not politics with us," Thane replied curtly. Changing the subject, he said, "I wish you could see the valley from that hogback over to the west." He pointed towards the spine of the main divide, which they would cross on their next day's journey.

There is not a more quarrelsome dress than a tartan kilt and I'm thinking the Brodies were ill friends with the Macraes in the old days." "The Brodies are not Highlanders." "You are a shamefully ignorant man, Ian Macrae. The Brodies came from Moray, and are the only true lineal descendants of Malcolm Thane of Brodie in the reign of Alexander the Third, lawful King of Scotland.

"Alix! Just a moment, please!" She paused, and Courtney discreetly turned his back. Presently a benevolent hand was laid on his shoulder and the voice of the shepherd fell upon his ear. "I want you to meet Miss Crown, Mr. Thane. She has just been telling me how interested she was in your remarks. Miss Crown, my very dear friend, Mr. Courtney Thane. Mr.

There ain't a sign of a mortgage on any of it, either. It's as clear as a blank sheet of writin' paper." "When was it you were gassed, Mr. Thane?" inquired young Caleb. "Oh, that was when I was in the air service, only a few weeks before the armistice." "You left your wings at home, too, I suppose?" "Yes. Mother likes to look at the only wings I'll probably ever have, now or hereafter."

But Old Hilding told them not to talk nonsense, for Ingebjorg was a king's daughter, and Frithiof but the son of a thane. In a room of his palace stood King Belé. He was leaning on his sword, musing over all that was past, and thinking of the future. He was an old man, and he felt that his strength was failing him. With him was his faithful friend Thorsten Vikingsson.