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'The villagers gathered about us in considerable numbers, I believe without any evil intention, but with a very savage wildness of aspect and manner. Johnson's Works, ix. 38. The M'Craas, or Macraes, were since that time brought into the king's army, by the late Lord Seaforth.

The oldest sheep-farming family in Scotland are the Mackinnons of Corrie in Skye. They have been on Corrie for four hundred years and they were holding sheep-farms elsewhere even earlier. The Macraes of Achnagart in Kintail, paid rent to Seaforth for two hundred years.

It had been an ancient seat of the Macraes, a clan in relatively modern times, say 1745, rather wild, impoverished, and dirty; but Mr. Macrae, the great Canadian millionaire, had bought the old place, with many thousands of acres 'where victual never grew.

The women that were left at home, being thus deprived of their husbands, like the Scythian ladies of old, married their servants, and the Macraes became a considerable race. As we continued our journey, we were at leisure to extend our speculations, and to investigate the reason of those peculiarities by which such rugged regions as these before us are generally distinguished.

There is not a more quarrelsome dress than a tartan kilt and I'm thinking the Brodies were ill friends with the Macraes in the old days." "The Brodies are not Highlanders." "You are a shamefully ignorant man, Ian Macrae. The Brodies came from Moray, and are the only true lineal descendants of Malcolm Thane of Brodie in the reign of Alexander the Third, lawful King of Scotland.

The Macraes are a good family. There is a famous minister in Edinburgh of that name. The Calvinists all swear by him." "This man sang in a full cathedral service. Dost thou believe a Calvinist would do that? He would be sure it was a disguised mass, and nothing better." Adam laughed as he said, "Well, then, go with me this night to Ragnor's and between us we will find something out.

The Macraes, as we heard afterwards in the Hebrides, were originally an indigent and subordinate clan, and having no farms nor stock, were in great numbers servants to the Maclellans, who, in the war of Charles the First, took arms at the call of the heroic Montrose, and were, in one of his battles, almost all destroyed.

Under cover of the confusion the three escaped to the corridor, whence they called in and sent up passers-by to the fray. "Rescue, Kings! Kings! Kings! Number Twelve form-room! Rescue, Prouts Prouts! Rescue, Macraes! Rescue, Hartopps!" The juniors hurried out like bees aswarm, asking no questions, clattered up the staircase, and added themselves to the embroilment.

He had visualized for his son more than once great fields covered with growing crops, a rich and fruitful area, with a big stone house looking out over the cliffs where ultimate generations of MacRaes should live. If luck had not gone against old Donald he would have made this dream come true. But life and Gower had beaten him. Jack MacRae knew this.

We left Auknasheals and the Macraes its the afternoon, and in the evening came to Ratiken, a high hill on which a road is cut, but so steep and narrow, that it is very difficult. There is now a design of making another way round the bottom. Upon one of the precipices, my horse, weary with the steepness of the rise, staggered a little, and I called in haste to the Highlander to hold him.