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"Ben Ireson he was skipper o' the Betty, young feller, comin' home frum the Banks that was before the war of 1812, but jestice is jestice at all times. They fund the Active o' Portland, an' Gibbons o' that town he was her skipper; they fund her leakin' off Cape Cod Light. There was a terr'ble gale on, an' they was gettin' the Betty home 's fast as they could craowd her.

Granfa looked very snug in Mary Ellen's bed, with his curly beard resting comfortably on the red and white quilt, and his blue eyes twinkling up at us. "Comfy, Granfa?" asked The Seraph. "I be just so cozy as an old toad," he replied. "I do believe I'm a-going to be terr'ble happy in my new home."

"I do feel far from peart," replied Granfa. "This is horrible. Did you feel it coming on?" "Off and on for a long time," said Granfa. "It's been a terr'ble experience, and I ban't likely to be ever the same again, I'm afeared." Mrs. Handsomebody looked ready to faint. At that moment, Mary Ellen, having heard the voice of her mistress, projected her face above the doorsill of the backstairs.

He'd been follerin' that cryin' so fur and so long that he'd got into a diff'ent section o' country, and he'd got a diff'ent view, oh! a terr'ble diff'ent view, and he never went back. Diff'ent Kind o' Bundles Everybody in Greenhills knew "Stoopin' Jacob," the little humpbacked boy who lived at the north end of the village.

But so many strange things had happened lately to Mary that she did not just now feel as if anything was "of course." "It's a terr'ble lonesome part from what I hear tell. Miles from the rail, and the house don't stand as it might be in the village street, but by itself in the fields.

'But Dodge and I don't feel loike standing up to 'un. We was engaged to mind the roads an' the leaves, an' a bit rabbitin', an' sich like. But this sort of job is somethin' out o' the common, Muster Mannering. We don't hold wi' it. The County they've got a powerful big road-engine, Squoire. They'll charge them gates to-morrow there 'll be a terr'ble to do. My wife, she's frightened to death.

She was a small vivid creature, with a sunburned colour and changeable blue eyes that shone almost green in the sunlight. "Terr'ble light minded as you can tell to look at her," said Solomon Hatch, "she's soft enough, so my wife says, where sick folks an' children an' animals are consarned, but she acts as if men war born without common feelin's of natur an' didn't come inside the Commandments.

Polly coughed loudly, and tried to make a diversion by getting up to clear away the plates. The three combatants took no notice. Daffady slowly ran his tongue round his lips; then he said, again looking at the mistress: "If a hadna turned her I dew believe she'd ha' gien oos t' slip she was terr'ble swollen as 'twos." "I tell tha to let her be!" thundered Hubert.

I reckon, from what's happened to that chap Ronald since, that it wor the White Lady of th' Pit we heered. It's lucky for us we didn't see un." "I remember at the time you mentioned something about it." "Ay, she be a terr'ble bad sperrit," said Mr. Duney, wagging his head unctuously.

Pick up that thar pen, and don't lay it down agen till I tell ye, or," the muzzle of the Colt almost touched the perspiring forehead of the Colossus, "or else, by Golly, thar'll be a terr'ble muss to clean up in here to-morrer mornin'. That's better. Lemmee see, whar was I? 'Sherman to the Sea, yas. Now: 'I tried to down Jasper Panel, and he's downed me.