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Or, he could look at fishing rods, tan-colored nets, rolls of russet sail, a tiny, black-painted cork anchor all thrown in a heap near the door communicating with the kitchen by a passage furnished with cappadine silk which reabsorbed, just as in the corridor which connected the dining room with his study, every odor and sound.

When her eyes opened again they were in close juxtaposition to a rough tan-colored shirt whose coarse fiber rasped her cheek; the whole universe seemed rocking with a gentle up and down motion as soothing as the swing of her beloved hammock, but there was a curious numbness across her chest and lower limbs like that induced by the pressure of closely-encircling iron bands.

Then as he rose from the depths, an unconscious, helpless hulk, a strong tan-colored arm wound around him like a lifebelt, and a well-nigh breathless boy, with almost superhuman strength, flung him, limp and nearly lifeless, across the canoe. The impact almost hurled Freddy from his slender hold, but for a few seconds the two boys were safe.

The face of this white-haired man is intelligent and open, announcing good sense and honesty, enlivened by a touch of rustic humor; he wears a shooting-jacket of green cloth, and long gaiters of tan-colored leather, which half conceal his black velveteen breeches. The terrible storm which rages without renders still more agreeable the picture of this peaceful interior.

Male: black with chestnut sides, white belly, tan-colored under the tail, the side feathers of which are white-tipped. Female: reddish-brown where the male is black. A Summer Citizen of the United States east of the plains, and along the southern border of Canada. Nests northward from Georgia. Winters south of the Middle States. A Ground Gleaner, Seed Sower, and Weed Warrior.

Any information relative to her will be gratefully received by Richard Burk, 217 Madison street, or Inspector Dilks, 300 Mulberry street. LEFT HER HOME, at Hyde Park, Scranton City, Pa., on Monday June 14, Sarah Hannaghan, aged fifteen, tall for her age, short brown hair, light eyes and fair complexion. Had on a tan-colored dress, light cape, drab hat, trimmed with ribbon of the same color.

An instant afterward, a large, tan-colored hound bounded across the path, and dashed into the bushes where the game was concealed. It was not one of those which had so disgracefully left the field a few moments before it was Carlo, Johnny's favorite hound an animal whose strength had been tested in many a desperate encounter, and which had never been found wanting in courage.

His smooth face was skillfully covered by a beard, short-cropped, his nose was given the slightest rosy tint, and putting on a light overcoat, the studious young gentleman of half an hour ago was transformed into a howling swell. Tan-colored gloves and a heavy, silver-headed cane completed his costume. Thus arrayed he sallied forth. It was now nearly noon.

shouted the young exquisite lounging on the platform in tan-colored coat and lavender kid gloves. "O Kids, you're there, are you? Well, I'd rather play for it than loaf for it, I had," said Tommy, stoutly. The merchant shot a careless glance over the top of his paper, at the sound of this petit dialogue, and the old lady smiled benignly; the man in the corner neither looked nor smiled.

Ah, James, you're a good fellow," he continued, as a tan-colored son of the South now made his appearance, bearing a tray of tempting viands. "Here, take this and drink my health by and by; but come back and get your tray in the course of half an hour."