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Dave saluted, then, as Chief Electrician Whittam turned to lead the way, Dave called quietly: "Section, left wheel march!" They followed Whittam down into the dynamo room, an interesting spot for a machinist. "It's fine," muttered Dan, as he stared about him at the bright metal work, the switch-board and the revolving machines.

Instead, he seated himself at his desk and commenced speaking into the telephone. There was a switch-board of his private exchange outside the private office which communicated to each of the heads of his departments. Without the delay of sending or going for them, he spoke to six or seven one after the other. Then his confidential clerk came in with a number of papers in his hands.

He stepped to the switch-board, and, after going through a series of genuflections, accompanied by an undertone of carelessly gabbled ritual, he depressed a lever. Instantly the room was in darkness and the spluttering wire ceased its crackling. The priest passed into the great hall, motioning Constans to follow him. Another brief and incomprehensible ritual and he approached the vibratory motor.

The other bell jingled impatiently, but Shirley finally heard the voice of the switch-board girl. "I'm trying to get you on the other wire, sir. There's a call." "Don't connect me," he hurriedly ordered, "except to open the switch, so I may listen. If I hang up without a word, tell the party I will be back in twenty minutes."

Flaherty's accident, Joyce made an errand into the central office, and while waiting for some distant connection to be made ventured to ask some questions of Marie who, alert and bright-eyed, sat in her wheeled chair, so adjusted that the switch-board was within easy reach. "You don't have much to do here, they tell me," she began, smiling at the little Frenchwoman in friendly fashion.

"The two of them haven't the strength of one healthy cat." Passing the men over to Billings with instructions to search them, he walked to the radio switch-board and examined it carefully. "They've got a regular set just the same," he said half-admiringly. "They could reach Encinitas with this one all right." Seating himself on a stool by the board he placed his hand on the key.

"This," she said to herself, "simply is not happening!" She felt like Alice in Wonderland. They shot up many stories, and emerged into a large office furnished with a switch-board, benches, tables, desks, pictures, and office boys.

Removing one hand from the wheel, he extended it toward the switch-board. "He doesn't dare make the turn at this speed," Dickie shouted in Gregory's ear. "Tell Bronson to watch him close when he doubles to come back. He'll head into the swell, to the starboard." Gregory was giving the boatman the message when he felt Dickie grasp his arm. "He's switched off his lights," she cried.

Then Jill said breathlessly, "The switch-board has some long distance lines. I know how to connect them. Shall I try?" Lockley agreed emphatically. Jill slipped into the operator's chair and donned the headset. She inserted a plug and pressed a switch. "I did an article once on how Hello! Serena calling. I have a very important message for the military officer in command of the cordon.

Then he insisted upon getting to his feet, a gaunt and terrible figure in his rusty cassock. "I have my work to do," he reiterated, stubbornly. "I must be preparing the harvest field for my lord's sickle, and already the time is ripe for his appearing. Behold and believe!" With a firm step he approached the switch-board and turned one of the controlling levers.