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"'Deal on! sez Vulmea, wid a big rattlin' oath, 'an' the Black Curse av Shielygh come to the man that will not do his duty as the kyards say. Amin! "'Black Jack is the masther, sez Kiss, dealin'. 'Black Jack, sorr, I shud expaytiate to you, is the Ace av Shpades which from time immimorial has been intimately connect wid battle, murdher an' suddin death.

Eh, we thort we did a good deed, Mister Jocelyn an' I, when we kep' 'er as a baby, 'opin' agin 'ope as 'er parents 'ud turn up an' be sorry for the loss of 'er but never a sign of a soul! an' now she's grow'd up she's thorts in 'er 'ed which ain't easy to unnerstand for since Mister Jocelyn told 'er the tale of 'erself she's not been the same like she's got suddin old!"

We wuz workin' jest as hard as wimmen ever worked and all of the wimmen who wuzn't engaged in scourin' and moppin' wuz a-settin' round in the pews a-workin' hard on articles for the fair when all of a suddin the outside door opened and in come Josiah Allen with 3 of the other men bretheren.

I don' want him to get a spite ag'inst me, 'f I c'n help it; he looks to me like one o' them kind that kerries what they call slung-shot, 'n' hits ye on the side o' th' head with 'em so suddin y' never know what hurts ye." "Why," said the Doctor, sharply, "have you ever seen him with any such weapon about him?" "W'll, no, I caan't say that I hev," Abel answered. "On'y he looks kin' o' dangerous.

"There wasn't anything to run away from until after he took it. I know. Whatever 'twas, it come on him suddin. The night before we was together and and he didn't have nothin' on his mind but plans for him and me ... and he was that happy, Mr. Baines!... I wisht I could make out what turned a good man into a thief all in a minute, as you might say. It's suthin', Mr.

Again he looked around him, stealthily. "It's h'anted!" said he, desperately. "Missis, listen: I 'uz comin' home from prayer-meetin', 'bout two weeks ago, walkin' back er dis same place in de dark ob de moon. An' all ob a suddin I hyuh de pianner in de pahlor, ting-a-ling-a-ling! ting-a-ling-a-ling!

Suddin', but she was ready, and I was there, so she was happy. Jim lived a number of years, and was a sight of care, poor feller; but we managed to rub along, though we had to sell the farm: for I couldn't do much with one arm, and doctor's bills right along stiddy take a heap of money.

We wuz workin' jest as hard as wimmen ever worked and all of the wimmen who wuzn't engaged in scourin' and moppin' wuz a-settin' round in the pews a-workin' hard on articles for the fair when all of a suddin the outside door opened and in come Josiah Allen with 3 of the other men bretheren.

I was standin' gawpin' 'round, list'nin' to the band an' watchin' the folks git their tickets, when all of a suddin I felt a twitch at my hair it had a way of workin' out of the holes in my old chip straw hat an' somebody says to me, 'Wa'al, sonny, what you thinkin' of? he says. I looked up, an' who do you s'pose it was? It was Billy P. Cullom!

Why, there's old Dr. Jalap, over to the Corners. He give Beulah Pegrum seven Liver Pills at one dose, and only charged her fifty cents, over 'n' above the cost of the pills. Now that's what I call doctorin', not but what I like Dr. Brown well enough. But Mel'dy well, there! and now to have her took off so suddin, and never to know whether she's buried respectable, or buried at all!