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Come into the garden I can't talk on these steps, right on top of a gravel walk with a distant vista of three gardeners and a cartful of sand." "I must say," said Miss MacNish, "that this is the suddenest thing that ever happened to me." "But you said you believed in love at first sight," McTavish explained.

But doubtless your honour will consider my risk of loss when we win to Glasgow and ye'll be for setting out forthwith?" "By day-break in the morning," I answered. "That's something o' the suddenest whare am I to find a naig? Stay I ken just the beast that will answer me." "At five in the morning, then, Andrew, you will meet me at the head of the avenue."

What startled him was the fact that the coming train appeared to be running itself; there was no warning whistle shriek and no slackening of speed. Graham was a Scotchman, slow of speech, slow to anger, methodical to the thirty-third degree. But in an emergency his brain leveled itself like a ship's compass gimballed to hang plumb in the suddenest typhoon.

His was a dejected mien as he walked slowly homeward. A pair of bright eyes watched him from a curtained upper window of the great house, and in a maiden's heart was the suddenest longing possible to one broken under the cruel treachery of its hero. "What is the trouble, August?" questioned Mrs. Bordine the moment he entered the presence of his mother. "Nothing."

Her hair floated out in the liquid of the bath like some brown tangle of the ocean weed, and ever and again it twitched and eddied to some impulse which in itself was too small for the eye to see. She had slept for nine long years, and I knew that the wakening could be none of the suddenest. Indeed, it came by its own gradations and with infinite slowness, and I did not dare do more to hasten it.

Lord Hermiston sat in the saddle beholding her. Then he seemed to recover command upon himself. "Weel, it's something of the suddenest," said he. "But she was a dwaibly body from the first." And he rode home at a precipitate amble with Kirstie at his horse's heels. Dressed as she was for her last walk, they had laid the dead lady on her bed.

"Master Dick," gasped Lawless, "the thing hath come upon me somewhat of the suddenest. But give me a moment till I fetch my breath again; and, by the mass, I will be as stout-hearted as yourself." "Here is my bold fellow!" returned Dick. "And yet, Lawless, it goes hard against the grain with me to die; but where whining mendeth nothing, wherefore whine?" "Nay, that indeed!" chimed Lawless.

Martin, for indeed I do not like to hear of your being in the least like an invalid. Do speak of yourself a little more. Do you know, you are very unsatisfactory as a letter-writer when you write about yourself the reason being that you never do write about yourself except by the suddenest snatches, when you can't possibly help the reference....

I shall have to tell how the Germans bludgeoned Malietoa with a sudden call for money; it was something of the suddenest that Sir Arthur Gordon himself, smarting under a sensible public affront, made and enforced a somewhat similar demand. You ride in a German plantation and see no bush, no soul stirring; only acres of empty sward, miles of cocoa-nut alley: a desert of food.

This would cause misfortune to the industries dependent on that one, and, as has been explained, all through society and back again. But every such industry is liable to grave fluctuations, and the most important the provision industries to the gravest and the suddenest. They are dependent on the casualties of the seasons.