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"We are alone here," I said, "away from the formalities of formal assemblies, and a man may give vent to his natural self without fear of tarnishing a ceremony. Your coming was something of the suddenest. Till an hour ago, when you demanded audience, I had thought to rule on longer; and even now I do not know for what cause I am deposed."

Strange, but even the few hours' absence which had intervened; during which, Harry had been left to himself, to stare at strange streets, and strange faces, had wrought a marked change in his countenance. He was a creature of the suddenest impulses.

Ethel lay like one dead; Juan Catheron, still eminently good-humored and self-possessed, turned to his sister: "Look here, Inez, this is how it stands: Miss Dobb was only fifteen when I met her first. It was in Scotland. We fell in love with each other; it was the suddenest case of spoons you ever saw.

Have you a prayer-book about you, Master Parson? for here's a loving couple desirous of entering the blessed state of matrimony." "The match is somewhat of the suddenest," said Simon Orts. "But I have known these impromptu marriages to turn out very happily very happily, indeed." he repeated, rubbing his hands together, and smiling horribly. "I gather that Mr.

Asleep or awake, in the midst of the deepest passion or the suddenest love, or in the throes of greatest excitement or bewilderment, somewhere, some corner of himself was awake to the fact that the sentinel of the soul must not sleep, no, never, not for one instant.

Jim said afterwards that the suddenest thing about it was the way he cleared out of that house. And he never called there afterwards." Grace smiled, but quickly grew grave. "Now, auntie," she said, "please listen. I'm in earnest. It seems to me that you might do quite well at dressmaking here in town, if you had a little well, ready money to help you at the start.

Then the shopman, for Charlotte, momentously broke silence. "You've seen, disgraziatamente, signora principessa," he sadly said, "too much" and it made the Prince face about. For the effect of the momentous came, if not from the sense, from the sound of his words; which was that of the suddenest, sharpest Italian.

All this did Lucy a great deal of good. James thought that she had better call on Mrs. Nugent. He knew all about her. The second time was in late February, at the Opera: the Walküre, of all operas in the world, where passion of the suddenest is seen on its most radiant spring morning.

Similes failed him of the suddenest, for in that instant the girl grew aware of him and checked her stride and song at the same moment. For a fraction of time they stood there looking at each other, the man of the white dominant race, the girl of a vanishing people, whose origin is shrouded in the grey mists of time.

Then the shopman, for Charlotte, momentously broke silence. "You've seen, disgraziatamente, signora principessa," he sadly said, "too much" and it made the Prince face about. For the effect of the momentous came, if not from the sense, from the sound of his words; which was that of the suddenest, sharpest Italian.