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Maybe that's something you don't know." It was, and the attention of the group concentrated on Davy, much to his satisfaction. "Go on, let's have the yarn," someone said impatiently, and there was a chorus of assent from the others. "This is what happened," Davy went on. "The Rider and his mate Eustace, as I believe came into the hut to settle the sub-inspector.

He implored the help of the Sub-Inspector, who, however, observed a strict neutrality, hinting that the complainant was at liberty to defend himself with the aid of clubmen. But Kumodini Babu was a man of peace, and finding the policeman something less than lukewarm, he resigned himself to the inevitable.

The sub-inspector had barely spoken since he returned to the station; but if he wanted help he would not hesitate to appeal for it, Brennan told them, adding that they need not worry the criminal who could outwit the sleuth-hound of the force was not yet born. "But the Rider of Waroona is no fool," one of the men remarked. "Neither is Sub-Inspector Durham," Brennan retorted.

"No, I haven't got any documents or papers. What do you mean?" "Well, I'm afraid it will be the duty of Sub-inspector Dane to search your apartment, Mr. Froelich, and I want to save you from having anything broken open if it can be avoided." "There is nothing to break open. I don't lock anything up except cigars and things of that kind, and as to my dispatch-box, there's not much there either.

A Sub-Inspector of Police and three constables led the way, followed by a band of music. Next came a carriage and four conveying Samarendra, his younger brother, and the family priest. Carriages belonging to Amarendra Babu's friends, and some hired ones full of invited guests, brought up the rear.

At this juncture Colonel Grey was shot in the foot, but most gallantly insisted on carrying on his duties until the close of the action. Sub-Inspector Cazalet was also wounded here, but continued in action until he was shot again in the chest at Doornkop. While crossing the ridge the column was subjected to a very heavy fire, and several men and horses were lost here.

We've sent a man off for him, and they're getting a party together to go out and fetch the sub-inspector and the old man in. She's offered to go too. It may save their lives, for, from what Conlon said, they're badly hurt, both of them." "Has the gold gone?" Wallace asked. "I reckon so, though there's no saying until we hear what has happened.

For once the voluble Irish tongue was reduced to the use of a simple monosyllable, but into the word there was thrown as much venom as would have taken a hundred of the snakes St. Patrick banished from the island to supply. "So it is fortunate I met you, otherwise you would have had a drive for nothing," Gale added. "And how's the sub-inspector?"

There was Ussher there also, sitting next to George Brown, who was a friend of his much more intent, however, on his own business than that which had brought the others here; and Greenough, the sub-inspector of police, from Ballinamore; and young Fitzpatrick, of Streamstown, who kept the subscription pack of harriers; and a couple of officers from Boyle, one of whom owned a horse, for which he was endeavouring to get a rider, but which none of those present seemed to fancy; and there was Peter Dillon, from beyond Castlebar, who had brought up a strong-looking, long-legged colt, which he had bred in County Mayo, with the hope that he might part with it advantageously in a handicap, to some of those Roscommon lads, who were said to have money in their pockets; and there were many others apparently happy, joyous fellows, who seemed not to have a care in the world; and last, but not least, there was Hyacinth Keegan, attorney at law, and gent.

"Shut on Sunday!" says Sub-Inspector Cardwell conclusively. Then let someone who knows how be summoned to pick the lock. By all means, if such a person is at hand. But no trade will come out Sunday, except the turn-cock, obviously useless. That is the verdict. "You'll never be for breaking down the door, Mr. Inspector, with my father there ill in the room!" is the woman's appeal.