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Updated: August 26, 2024

Came down to this candidate-for-office way of comporting himself. It ain't natural." "Not when he's on the same range with Chuckie?" queried the cowman, his eyes twinkling. "Why don't you ever go into Stockchute and paint the town red?" "That's another thing," insisted Gowan. "He started in with Miss Chuckie brash as all hell. Now he acts towards her like I feel." "That's natural.

"You have chosen me to act as your daughter's escort," replied Ashton. Quick to catch the inference of his remark, Isobel flashed him a look of approval, but called banteringly as she darted out to the buckboard: "Better move, if you expect to get near enough to escort me, this side of Stockchute." Gowan sprang down to hand her into the buckboard.

She did she knew from the first, there at Stockchute. I see it now. Even before that, she must have guessed it. Yes, I see all now. She sent for me to come out here, because she thought I might be her brother." "You did not tell me!" reproached Ashton, his face ghastly. "How was I to know?" "I tell you, I did not know," repeated Blake.

Besides, it will look better for our hospitality for me to meet Mrs. Blake at the train, since she That's something I meant to ask you, Lafe. What does Mr. Blake mean by saying they will leave the servants in the car?" "I presume they are traveling in Mr. Leslie's private car, and will have it sidetracked at Stockchute," answered Ashton. "Whee-ew!" ejaculated Knowles. "Private car!

"The badman is getting to be rather out of date." "Maybe a bullet," admitted Gowan. "Never any rope, though, for his kind. Guess I'll turn in. It's something of a drive over to Stockchute and back with the wagon, and I got up early. You and Ashton might go on watch until midnight, and turn me out for the rest of the night." "Very well," agreed Blake.

Thought you might want to refresh yourself over at Stockchute. Wouldn't rather have another saddle and bridle, would you?" "Kindly thank Mr. Knowles for me," said Ashton, pocketing the five dollar bill. "No the horse is hard-mouthed, but I prefer my own saddle and bridle." He drew his rifle from its sheath, wiped the dew from the butt, and tested the mechanism.

I'm going to run him down if it takes all year and all the men in the county. There's a couple of Ute bucks being held in the jail at Stockchute, to be tried for hunting deer. I'm going to get the loan of them. The sheriff will turn out with a posse, and we'll trail that snake, if it takes us clear over into Utah." "We'll have a fair chance to get him with Ute trackers," agreed Blake.

Gowan lapsed into a sullen silence. Mounted as before on Rocket, Ashton had already made a second trip to Stockchute for mail, returning almost as quickly as on his wild first ride. Monday of his third week at the ranch he was sent on his third trip. As before, he started at dawn.

This necessitated setting-up the instrument every few feet during the steepest part of the ascent. They saw nothing of Gowan, who had chosen a more roundabout but easier trail. At midmorning, however, they were overtaken by Genevieve and Isobel and Thomas Herbert Vincent Leslie Blake. Knowles had started for Stockchute to seek the aid of the sheriff and his Indian prisoners.

"You're good!" he choked out. "I don't deserve But I can't go when you tell me to stay!" "Of course you can't," she lightly rejoined. "Look! There's the train coming. Push on the lines!" A word started the horses into a lope. The buckboard was whirled along over the last two miles to Stockchute in a wild race against the train. The steam horse won.

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