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Updated: August 27, 2024

Projectin' prominent from one of her steel bay windows is a wicked-lookin' gun about the size of a young water main, and behind it a lot of jackies squintin' at us earnest. And you know how still it seems on a boat when the engines quit. I almost jumps when someone whispers in my ear. It's Vee. "Now I hope Auntie's satisfied," says she. "There's no tellin' about her," says I.

"Well, I must say he turned a queer colour when he heard André say he didn't want him no more: and you should have seen the look he gave him, sort of squintin' out of his eyes at him, when he went away. He ain't a man I would like to meet unawares in a dark lane, if I'd a quarrel with him." "Hullo, where's Marie?" cried Mrs. Nevin, coming out of the door with the kail ready washed in her hand.

Are you akin to that packman with a squint in his eye, as used to bring th' Irish linen?" "Look you there now!" said Bob, evasively. "Didn't I know as you'd remember the best bargains you've made in your life was made wi' packmen? Why, you see even a squintin' packman's better nor a shopman as can see straight.

That's all he ever says, you might say. I never see nothin' like it, never, the way that hired man talks to him; you'd think he was the Queen o' Sheba. "An' he goes squintin' about here an' there, changin' this an' that, an' singin' away an' laughin' you'd think he'd have a fit. Seems's if he loved to putter about 'n' fool with things in a room, like women. I heard him say so myself.

"If Marthy Langston is squintin' over them and she sees her old chany put in a fine cupboard, and her little shawl round as purty a girl as ever stepped, and knows her boy is gittin' what he deserves, good Lord, she'll be like to oust the Almighty, and set on the throne herself! 'Bout everythin' in life was a disappointment to her, 'cept David. Now if she could see this!

Ye see," he added, looking hard at Leslie's impassive face to discover whether the latter had noticed anything peculiar in such an extraordinary admission, "my sight's a little bit peculiar; I can see ordinary things plain enough, but when it comes to squintin' through a sextant I can't see nothin'." "Ah, indeed; that must be exceedingly awkward for you, Captain," returned Leslie.

At first they reckoned it was a dead horse by the road; but arter a while the passengers commenced squintin' at each other suspicious like, an' the conversation petered out, an' Tom thought he felt all their eyes on his back, an' it was very uncomfortable; an' he sat tight an' tried to make out where the smell come from; an' it got worse every hundred yards like as if the track was lined with dead horses, an' every one dead longer than the last till it was like drivin' a funeral.

"But about seeing this lawyer do you advise me to go?" He's squintin' at me foxy out of them shifty eyes of his, cagy and suspicious, like we was playin' some kind of a game. You know the sort of party J. Bayard is if you don't, you're lucky. So what's the use wastin' breath? I steps over and opens the front office door.

"Well, they scattered so quick it made you think o' mulberry leaves, some years, in the first frost an' I was left alone with Mis' Toplady. "'Here, she says to me then, all squintin' with firmness, 'you take along all the linen an' comfortables you can lug. Timothy didn't mention them. An' leave the rest to me. "I went over that in my mind while I stumbled along back to the church, loaded down.

Lawd, Lawd, my time's 'mos' up, I 'low den yes, suh, I do but w'en I tu'n roun' squintin' my eyes caze de sun so hot de sun he wuz kinder shinin' thoo his back like he do w'en he hu't yo' eyes en you cyan' see 'im dar came a dump cyart a-joltin' up de road wid a speckled mule hitch ter it.

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