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"Did you ever stop to think," says he, shovin' back his hat, "that if the horsepower delivered by them waves on this beach in one single hour could be concentrated behind washin' machines, it would be enough to wash all the shirts for a city of four hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-six people?" "Can't say I ever did," says I, squintin' at him sideways.

You'd thought to see us, I expect, that we was carryin' on a real, rapid-fire, smart-set dialogue, when all the while it was only her tellin' me how the diff'rent parties was actin' when they first spotted her on the floor with a ringer, and how the chaperons were squintin' at us through their lorgnettes, tryin' to make out who I was.

Cæsar was a noble-looking, black animal, whose strength and capacity for endurance had been well tested. This morning he was in high spirits and looked good for months of rough-and-tumble service. "Here's yer rifle, Mister John. I put it in trim for ye yesterday. I s'pose ye'll be a squintin' reound sharp for bears and wolves and other livin' wild beasts when ye git inter the woods".

"Tell Mapleson's pickin' up sence he's got the post-office up in the 'Last Chance'; put that doggery out'n his sullar, had in wall paper now, an' drugs an' seeds, an' nobody was right sure where he got his funds to stock up, so they was some sort of story goin' about a half-breed named Pahusky when I first come here, bein' 'sociated with Mapleson Cam Gentry's same old Cam, squintin' round an' jolly as ever.

"'Steaks an' marrow-bones, says Martin." "'Capital! says he. 'I'm so hungry." "So he fell to work like a wolf. I niver seed a man pitch into anything like as that natter-list did into that horseflesh." "'These are first-rate marrow-bones, says he, squintin' with one eye down the shin-bone o' the hind leg to see if it was quite empty."

"Hallo! old boy, not hurt, I hope," said Martin, suppressing his laughter as his comrade scrambled on to the saddle. "You travel about on the back of your horse at full gallop like a circus rider." "Whist, darlint, I do belave he has damaged my faygur-head. What a nose I've got! Sure I can see it mesilf without squintin'." "So you have, Barney. It's a little swelled, but never mind.

Why on this particular door?" "Well," said Dutchy, squintin' at the sign sideways, "you see I sold this place day before yesterday to Mike O'Toole." All that night we slept like sticks of wood.

He inspects the various groups of plaster stuff ranged around the studio, squintin' at 'em critical like he was a judge of such junk, and now and then he makes notes on the back of an envelope. Meanwhile Aunty explains all about the tea, namin' over some of the swell dowagers that was goin' to act as patronesses, and invites him cordial to drop around on the big day.

At this the boys all turned again to look at the steamer. "Declar, if that fellow in the gold hat ain't a squintin at us through his spy-glass!" cried the captain. As the boys looked, they saw that the Antelope had become an object of singular attention and interest to those on board of the steamer.

Better go below. You can't do no good a settin or a standin up here, squintin through a darkness that might be felt, an that's as thick as any felt I ever saw. So take my advice, an go below, and sleep it off."