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Put hit in yo' chist." "Tek hit and feel of hit, anyhow, so's you'll know dat you's free." She took it gingerly between her thumb and forefinger. Ben suddenly let go. "Dah, now," he said; "you keep dat docyment. It's yo's. Keep hit undah yo' own 'sponsibility." "No, no, Ben!" she cried. "I jes' can't!" "You mus'. Dat's de way to git used to bein' free.

The old sailor shaded his eyes and looked aft at the two boats, which the men were tugging along with all their might, taking advantage of our being becalmed to try and overtake us and renew their attempt. "Yes, there they are, bless 'em!" cried Bob. "Well, sir, as skipper o' this here ship, with all the 'sponsibility depending on you, o' course you know what to do." "No, I don't, Bob," I cried.

"Reckon it is," was the capable answer. "Won't you give everybody some, Maria?" For Jem had gone up stairs with a tray of glasses, and Maria seemed to be resting upon her labours. "Dere'll come down orders for mo', chile; and 'spose I gives it to de company, what'll Mis' Lisa do wid Maria? I have de 'sponsibility of Christmas." "But you can make some more," I said, holding my glass in waiting.

Suppose I try to catch that other vessel and the crew prove too strong for me, and I lose this one?" "Mr Vandean, sir! You a British orficer, and talk like that? It ain't greediness, sir, but you a-trying to do your dooty as the orficer as has succeeded Mr Russell, I know what you feel, sir all the 'sponsibility." "Yes, Tom; and that we are not strong enough to try experiments."

"Ah! thou think'st a good deal of it, Jack, because thou'st got part of the 'sponsibility of it. It don't fret me." "I wish the men wouldn't smoke, dad; I don't want to get a bad name for reporting them, but it's just playing with their lives." Bill Haden was silent; he was given to indulge in a quiet smoke himself, as Jack, working with him for five years, well knew.

"Oh yes, he is all right; but I made him get under the feather-bed because of the lightning " "The what?" "The lightning. They say it can't strike you if you are covered with feathers, and of course I didn't want it to strike Tony, speshally with nobody here but me to to take the 'sponsibility," looking at her father with the most serious face imaginable.

"If it goes on like it all through our journey we shall have no need to grumble. Shall we Chloe?" "If you don't grumble, Miss Lucy, you may be quite sure dat Chloe will not. But we hab not begun our journey at present; and I spec dat we shall find it pretty hard work before we get to de end. But neber mind dat; anyting is better dan being all by ourselves in dat house. Terrible sponsibility dat."

Then he turned half way round and looked steadily at the fellow, who was standing with his head down. "Poor dog! let him come along, but if he makes any trouble, I'll hold you responsible, Tim." "And I'll be happy to take charge of the same 'sponsibility, and if he don't toe the mark, it's mesilf that will make him.

"You want me to be clean, don't you?" she asked. "But yes! Not to the scrub-off of the skin," protested Louise. Anne continued to rub her ears. "It's a a 'sponsibility to wash my own corners. And Mrs. Patterson says it's a disgrace to be dingy," she explained.

Overtop; but I don't mind tellin' you, that, after what had 'curred, I thought that Mr. Wilkeson's quaintance with Pet had better be stopped. I take all the 'sponsibility of it. We must make it up, by thinkin' all the more of him now." At the suggestion of Overtop, a servant, with Mrs. Crull's carriage, was now sent for Marcus, and soon returned with him.