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The water proved to be considerably deeper than either brother had anticipated, and Waldo vanished from sight for a few seconds, then reappearing with lusty puff and splutter, shaking the pearly drops from his close-clipped curls, while ranting: "Another vile fabrication nailed to the standard of truth, and clinched by the hammer of ouch!"

Or what, was destined never to be known, for at that instant, with a splutter and a sigh, the overheated engines, almost at a red-heat, stopped short. The propeller ceased to revolve, and the aeroplane began to plunge downward with fearful velocity. But Mortlake, no matter what his other faults, possessed a cool head.

But the feeling that I have is quite a different thing, and I thank God that He has opened my eyes. You will never learn of me, because you cannot comprehend my ideas, and therefore it is of no use teaching you. Nobody opens a book to an idiot, that would foam and splutter over it; for you never could make him read. Ah!

One of the men seized an arquebuse, and levelled it at the struggling form in the water. He pulled the trigger, but no sooner did the powder splutter in the pan than the gun burst in his hands, and a piece of the metal, entering his brain, laid him dead on the deck. "The demons, the demons!" exclaimed the panic-stricken crew. "The demons claim the swimmer for their own!"

In a little while the fire was about out, and Bert ordered the boys to use only one line of hose, which made it easier on the pumpers and bucket lads. Then, with a final hiss and splutter, the fire died away. "It's a terrible loss!" declared the butcher, as he contemplated the ruins of his shop. "I'll lose over a thousand dollars." "Haven't you any insurance?" asked Mr. Appelby.

Then, after another short pause, the voice said, less loud but very plain: "Strike on the gunwale. Strike hard, John!" and suddenly a blue light blazed out, illuminating with a livid flame a round patch in the night. In the smoke and splutter of that ghastly halo appeared a white, four-oared gig with five men sitting in her in a row.

The door opened, and Miss Florinda O'Connor, the model, dashed into the room like a gale of obstreperous autumn leaves. "Why, hello, Splutter!" they cried. "Oh, boys, I've come to dine with you." It was like a squall striking a fleet of yachts. Grief spoke first. "Yes, you have?" he said incredulously. "Why, certainly I have. What's the matter?" They grinned.

'Well, I asked, 'Have you slept it off whatever it was? 'No, he said, 'let me tell you about it. He began to gasp and splutter. Just then another postulant came up, making for the bath-room door. 'Afterwards! I said, 'After breakfast. And I vanished into the bath-room. It was probably Carraway, I thought, that had left a little collection of soaps in that bath-room.

The ceremony was effective up to a certain point, and would have been wholly so throughout, if Miss Rugg, as she raised her glass to her lips in completion of it, had not happened to look at Young John; when she was again so overcome by the contemptible comicality of his disinterestedness as to splutter some ambrosial drops of rum and water around, and withdraw in confusion.

He's the kind of old cove I'd like to get real narked and then scoot. Wouldn't he splutter and think himself Lord Muck, and that every one oughter be licking his boots!" Dawn and "Dora" Eweword were still hanging over a garden fence as Andrew went after his cows and I betook myself to the house.