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It was a genial sunshiny day, and the lucerne and rape fields and the Chinese gardens on either hand were beautifully green, as grandma noticed when during the afternoon she and I drove in the old sulky to cast our vote. "Poor Jake! I'm sorry he can't vote, though he ain't goin' for my man," she remarked. "But don't it seem like a judgment on him for bein' so narked about the women bein' set free?

The cook usually forgot all about it in an hour, and then, if you asked him what the chaps had been doing, he'd say, "Oh, nothing! nothing! Only their larks!" But this time he didn't; he was narked for three days, and the chaps marvelled much and were sorry, and treated him with great respect and consideration.

"Yous keep a civil tongue in yer head," she cried, and the curious pink flush spread over her white skin. "Orl right, wot are yer narked about?" inquired Chook. He noticed, with surprise, that she was pretty, with small regular features; her eyes quick and bright, like a bird's. Under the gaslight her hair was the colour of a new penny.

Peace and rest were his, and the busy man envied the calm indifference to the day's doings that he could not find in his heart to disturb. "Won't he feel fresh when he does wake," he reflected. "He'll be a bit narked at having wasted a whole bloomin' day. I shouldn't be surprised if he was savage, because I didn't call him."

Women have had to crawl to them for it, and pretend it was a great privilege the sweet darling almighties were allowing us, when all the time it has been our right, and they were selfish cowards who deserve no thanks for withholding it so long. And they gave it that grudgingly and are that narked about it, it makes me sick."

He's the kind of old cove I'd like to get real narked and then scoot. Wouldn't he splutter and think himself Lord Muck, and that every one oughter be licking his boots!" Dawn and "Dora" Eweword were still hanging over a garden fence as Andrew went after his cows and I betook myself to the house.

There is one act, however, so refined in diabolical depravity, so deeply narked by a spirit of cowardice, revenge, and cruelty, that I might almost question whether, in the lowest depths of hell itself, anything so damnably black and satanic could originate I allude to the plan which you conceived and got executed by your heartless, cowardly son, aided by that old woman who stands therein your presence, for ruining the stainless reputation of Mr.

I noticed the other feller was a bit narked when he seen me on the horse to-day. He's got red o' Pilot." "Look here, Mosey," said Thompson slowly: "I'd rather so help me God I'd rather cut my own throat than do a trick like that. Are n't you frightened of bringing a curse on yourself?" "Simply because you don't keep your eyes open," retorted Thompson.

'And I'll haveter go all the blanky way back after him, and most likely lose me shed! Here! jerking the empty pewter across the bar, 'fill that up again; I'm narked properly, I am, and I'll take twenty-four blanky hours to cool down now. I wouldn'ter lost that dog for twenty quid.