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Updated: August 16, 2024

The next minute Tim was almost at his side. "I belave we're riding faster than the spalpeens," he added, glancing for the twentieth time to the rear, where the Sioux were forcing their horses to the utmost. They did not fire for some time after the opening volley, giving their whole attention to this run for life. That the capacities of the pursuing ponies varied was quickly apparent.

"Are you the only person in the house?" asked one of the men. "An' what if I am the only person? I am as good as a dozen such spalpeens as you!" cried Biddy in high tones. "You've got as good as a dozen tongues in your head, you saucy jade," answered one of the men, with a laugh. "Saucy or not saucy, you don't come in here.

"Hould on a bit," remonstrated Pat, "before yer ruffle yer feathers clane over yer head and blinds yer eyes. Wud a man loike Boss Arnot send me, if I was dhrunk, wid a letther at this toime o' night? and wud he send a letther to the superintindent o' the perlice at this toime o' the night to ax him the toime o' day! Afore yer calls yer spalpeens out o' the press-room squint at that."

"I'll dare you to do it. I'll double dare you! You dassen't!" But he did. After a moment's bewildered surprise he threw back his handsome blond head and gave vent to a great, deep infectious roar of mirth that brought the Spalpeens tumbling up the stairs in defiance of their mother's strict instructions. After that we got along beautifully.

"It's not a bad idaa," assented the Irishman. "Pick yours out, and then we'll turn the others loose." "Why will you do that?" "What's the use of laving them here? Them spalpeens will find their way out of the cave before long, and then they will strike straight for these animals, and, if they happen to get out pretty soon, they'll make trouble with us. We might as well let 'em walk awhile."

"Timothy O'Toole," said Marmaduke shamelessly, "and I'll go in no Highland gang, I'd nivir do at all at all among them outlandish spalpeens with their bare legs; Tilly wouldn't like it," he added modestly. "Pshaw! Everybody knows that half the Highland regiments in the British Army are Irish. Enlist first and you can get married after. Every girl admires the khaki, eh, Miss Holmes?"

"Arrah, now," exclaimed Desmond, who with Tom and Archie were in the rear, "I hope we may get a scrimmage with these blackamoors; the spalpeens, to be attacking my uncle and his shipwrecked crew instead of lending them a hand, as any decent people would, when we want to help them and to put a stop to slavery."

"Come in to your father and tell him all about it." The Twins each took one of her hands, and they all three hurried into the house. They went into the kitchen. Their Father was sitting by the chimney, with his feet up, smoking his pipe when they came in. He brought his feet to the floor with a thump, and sat up straight in his chair. "Where have you been, you Spalpeens?" he said.

Several of our men had been wounded, but not severely, while numbers of the enemy had fallen. Pat Casey was among the most active of the garrison now firing his musket, now pronging at an Indian who had climbed to the top of the palisade, now using a broadsword which he had secured to his side, all the time shouting out, "Erin go bragh! Down with the spalpeens.

The arms had been collected, and such of them as were not in use stored in a handy position, so that in two minutes an armed company was proceeding at a run towards the spot on the shore where Malone was still performing his antics, to the inexpressible delight of Brown-eyes. "Where are the spalpeens?" asked the widow Lynch, who had followed the men.

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