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"Be the powers! but it looks a little pokerish!" he said to himself, slowing his gait, and surveying the wood with no little distrust. "There might be a dozen of the spalpeens slaaping there wid one eye open, or all sitting up and expicting me."

"Are you all ready now?" said the priest to a crowd of country people who were standing about the kitchen door, pressing to get the "first turn" at the tribunal, which on this occasion consisted of a good oaken chair, with his Reverence upon it. "Why do you crush forward in that manner, you ill-bred spalpeens?

"My eye! what a buck!" "Some gemman's son, I suppose, run away from his daddy!" "Never mind," said another, "we'll soon drill his leathers into hot rolls and butter." Here my friend Maggy, the Irish woman, interposed her aid in my behalf. "Arrah!" said she, "what are you gazing at, you set of spalpeens, you?

At this instant Tim O'Rooney came opposite them. He merely glanced up, puffed harder than ever and was passing on, when both burst out in a loud laugh. "Be the powers! what's the mather with ye spalpeens?" he angrily demanded. "Can't a dacent man be passing the sthrats widout being insulted Howly mother! is it yerselves or is it your grandfathers?"

Whin I give the spalpeens the slip I did the best travelling I knew how, and without thinking of anything but getting away as quick as I could I coom right onto the spot where the fire had been burning. It hadn't gone out yit, but it was so nearly so that it give no smoke. Looking around it did not take me long to l'arn that two horses had been there " "They had three with them, as you told me."

"As you deed not fight zee day Smeeth said you stole zee whiskey, zee men " "Think ye'll be aisy," finished Hogan. "I've just ordered a change in diet," observed Madden dryly. "Oh, thin ye're goin' to give in to th' spalpeens?" "No, I've cut rations one-third and that goes!" There was a finality about the dictum that reassured his allies. "Uh-huh, Dashalong, I towld ye Misther Madden wasn't no "

"I'm spaking for lost spalpeens like yoursilf," said Mickey, severely. "I haven't been lost since I parted company with Soot Simpson, and, begorrah, that minds me that we ought to saa something of him. Just look around and obsarve whether he is standing anywhere beckoning to us."

She smiled a wide, friendly smile on the old man as she said this, to show she meant no harm, and turned the slices of ham deftly so that they sent a puff of blue savory smoke up to her face. "Don't th' ham smell good, ye spalpeens, fresh from runnin' th' hills? Go an' wash ye'r faces an' hands and call ye'r father an' brothers.

You happen to be outnumbered and you also happen to have the job of seeing that those Me's stay up there away from the bombers." Red Flight knifed along through the thin air, ready to smash any Me daring to go down the chute upon the bombers. "Come on down and fight, ye spalpeens!" O'Malley was yelling.

"Pigs, is it?" coughed Jackson, from his bunk, where he sat presiding over the banquet, but not partaking, like a devil who had lost his appetite by chewing sulphur. "Pigs, is it? and the day is close by, ye spalpeens, when you'll want to be after taking a sup at our troughs!" This malicious prophecy proved true.