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His conduct might have seemed completely lunatical to an Englishman. It was strange in any case. But to me it was his physique that was wrong, and I should see that all was put right. "Stick to me, Quinet," said I to him as soothingly as possible, "and I will always stick to you. Soyons amis, bon marin, 'Be we friends, good sailor; and sail over every sea fearlessly.

Knox, who was presented to Buonaparte, and who saw all the wonderful presentations, says that it was a huddled business, all the world received in a very small room. Buonaparte spoke more to officers than to any one else, affected to be gracious to the English. He said, "L'Angleterre est une grande nation, aussi bien que la France, il faut que nous soyons amis!"

Soon after the execution of the King, Paris fell into the hands of the lowest classes. Their leaders ruled with terrible energy. Chabot's dictum, "Il n'y a pas de crimes en revolution," and Stablekeeper Drouet's exclamation, "Soyons brigands pour le bonheur du peuple," contain the political principles which guided them.

Colonel Philibert recognized the song as one he had heard in the Quartier Latin, during his student life in Paris he fancied he recognized the voice also: "'Pour des vins de prix Vendons tous nos livres! C'est pen d'etre gris, Amis, soyons ivres! Bon. La Faridondaine! Gai. La Faridonde!" A roar of voices and a clash of glasses followed the refrain.

A tout preferons la patrie: Avant tout soyons Canadiens." Chamilly rose upon the rostrum when Grandmoulin went down. He opened quietly, after the exciting peroration of his opponent, and in a manner which lulled and calmed the assembly. "People of Dormillière, I have had a cause for wonder during Mr. Grandmoulin's discourse.

While the Abbess of Soyons, being still untried by the stress of battle, went sinless upon her still orthodox way, there lived just across the river on the Manor of l'Étoile a sinner of a gayer sort Diane de Poitiers. The Castle of the Star dates from the fifteenth century; when Louis XI. dwelt there as Governor of Dauphiny and was given lessons in how to be a king.

"Pride! pride! pride!" objected Julia, lifting her grand violet orbs like a pensive Madonna. "And such pride! The pride that falls into a fire-bucket," suggested prosaic mamma. "That is cutting," said Edward: "but, soyons de notre siecle; flunkeyism is on the decline. I'll give you something to put in both your pipes: 'Honour and rank from no condition rise.

"Soyons serieux!" "He is right," murmured Alice, "we must be serious. Lloyd, let me go," and with an effort she freed herself. "I can only stay here half an hour, and I don't know how much of it we have wasted already." She tried to look at him reproachfully, but her eyes were swimming with tenderness. "It wasn't wasted, dear," he answered fondly.

Je vous ai regardee pendant toute la soiree. Votre beaute m'a trouble. Votre beaute m'a terriblement trouble, et je vous ai trop regardee. Mais je ne le ferai plus. Il ne faut regarder ni les choses ni les personnes. Il ne faut regarder que dans les miroirs. Car les miroirs ne nous montrent que des masques . . . Oh! Oh! du vin! j'ai soif . . . Salome, Salome, soyons amis.

Anciently, before it went wrong and its curse came upon it, the tower was the keep of the Benedictine nunnery of Soyons. Several of her nuns followed her hastily heterodox example; but the mass of them stood stoutly by their faith, and ended by making off with it intact to Valence.