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For what with them saddle peaks, and the rolls on the sand I have got, I don't know whether my inwards or my outwards are the sorest. But the show is beginning; and, faith, it's worth coming all the way to Egypt to see the sun set."

The man began to sing in the same low tone. "Newfoundland dog love him master de morest Of all de dog ever I see; Let him starve him, and kick him, and cuff him de sorest, Difference none never makee to he." There was a pause for a minute or two. "It no use," the same voice continued; him either no dere, or he won't hear us." "Stop," said the female, "stop; woman head good for someting.

"O, Wish of wistful men, for Thee I yearn; * My heart seeks grace of one no heart shall spurn. Unhidden from thy sight is this my case; * And for one glance of thee I pine and burn. They jailed and tortured me with sorest pains: * Alas for lone one can no aid discern!

Well might I write, in 1879, when Thomas Scott lay dead: "It was Thomas Scott whose house was open to me when my need was sorest, and he never knew, this generous, noble heart, how sometimes, when I went in, weary and overdone, from a long day's study in the British Museum, with scarce food to struggle through the day he never knew how his genial, 'Well, little lady, in welcoming tone, cheered the then utter loneliness of my life.

It has been one of the sorest wounds of our age, that few men have preserved sufficient firmness of mind and character to think freely, and act as they think. The intellectual and moral independence of individuals disappeared under the pressure of events and before the heat of popular clamours and desires.

Nay, many would foresee for the Indian, through the consummation of his enfranchisement, naught but gloom and sorest plight.

This induced him to reject as impossible the suspicion that she could have stooped to anything so unworthy. Still, it was not easily banished. A long series of the sorest disappointments had rendered him distrustful, and he remembered having asked her several times for the star in vain. Perhaps it had been stolen from her, and Jamnitzer had obtained it from the thief himself or from the receiver.

But, reflection telling him that he had done injury to Carinthia had inflicted the sorest of the wounds a young woman a new bride can endure, he nodded acquiescence to the charge of misbehaviour, and muzzled the cynic. As a consequence, the truisms flooded him and he lost his guard against our native prosiness. Must we be prosy if we are profoundly, uncynically sincere?

They did not see her; they were far too much occupied with one another; but she saw them, and saw at once that it was Tom, Tom's own self, and with him her fellow-servant, Esther. People may write volumes on jealousy, and volumes will still remain to be written. It is next to remorse for guilt, the sharpest, sorest, most maddening torment that human nature can endure.

'You will find Mabel, like her mother, no screamer, or a faint-hearted girl, to trouble a man in his need; but one who would encourage her mate, and help to keep his heart up when sorest prest by danger, said the Sergeant to me, before I ever laid eyes on that sweet countenance of yours, he did!" "And why should my father have told you this, Pathfinder?" the girl demanded a little earnestly.