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Harry had won many prizes in former matches, and many of the pioneers considered him one of the best shots in the country. "Only a few more after you, Harry," said Col. Zane. "You have a good chance." "All right, Colonel. That's Betty's prize and somebody'll have to do some mighty tall shootin' to beat me," said the lad, his blue eyes flashing as he toed the mark.

Skinner is after me an' I've got to pay him back them sixty dollars, or somebody'll go to jail for it. You ought to have knowed them wasn't nothin' but lung-testers, afore you set me up to sellin' 'em to Skinner, an' not let me go an' make a 'tarnal fool out of myself. But that ain't the thing now; the thing is, will you pay back them sixty dollars? I guess you'd better do it, an' do it quick.

But some the shacks took and some the Spaniards took, and then there was storms and fighting. None ever got a doubloon from her. But somebody'll have a go for it again. I tried once, long ago. That was an unlucky try, though. Many poor men died along of that one. They died on the decks," he added. "It was like old Van Horn cursing us. They died in my arms, some of 'em.

The big vibrating horn kept up its clamor, and a powerful searchlight in front dazzled the eyes. "Look out! Look out!" cried several. "Somebody'll be swamped!" exclaimed Ned. Hardly had he spoken than, as the big red boat dashed past in a smother of foam, there came a startled cry in girls' voices. "Look!" cried Tom. "That canoe's upset! Speed her up, Ned! We've got to get 'em!" "Where are they?"

"It seems to me that it's about time for another pow-wow of the Catwhiskerites." "I agree with you, Bob," said his father, also unfolding a camp chair and sitting down, followed by similar action on the part of the other two boys. "Well, what's the question?" asked Bud. "I'll offer a question if somebody'll take the chair and preside," Hal volunteered. "All right," Bud agreed.

When Ivy was safely tucked away among the pillows, the two boys sat down on the door-step to wait once more for the birthday Santa Claus. John Jay repeated what the thoughtless fellow had said: "If I don't get there by noon, it'll be because something has happened; anyway, somebody'll be prancing along about sundown."

An she come to harm in a Christian court, by Heaven, somebody'll answer me for't!" "Lackaday! Hoighty-toighty, Pierre! How you stamp! The black-eyed monkey hath been named maid of honour to Queen Catherine! How much better could we have done for her?" "Maid of honour to the lonely queen?" says Radisson. "That is well!"

He got a good sum for it. "But I'll never do that again," he said, grimly. "Somebody'll make a fortune on that thing." He had unwisely told Cora of this transaction. She never forgave him for it. On the day he received the money for it he had brought her home a fur set of baum marten. He thought the stripe in it beautiful. There was a neckpiece known as a stole, and a large muff. "Oh, honey!"

Two blocks of 'em, owned by our best citizens. Run by a political pull. So there's no touching 'em." "What's up there now; more murders?" asked the Doctor. "Somebody'll be calling it that if it goes much further," replied the newspaper man. "I don't know what the official alias of the trouble is. If you want details, get Wayne."

"It matters a quare lot," she said. They sat down on a bank by the roadside and he took hold of her hand and pressed it, and then he put his arm about her and drew her head down on to his shoulder. "Somebody'll see you," she whispered. "There's no one in sight," he replied. "Do you love me an awful lot?" she asked, looking up at him. "You know I do." "More nor anybody in the world?"