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A great marble stairway winds its way upward at the further end of the hall and near it are two small balconies, one on each side, presenting barricades of millinery surmounted with the picturesque faces of some two dozen denizens, who keep up an incessant gabbling, interspersed here and there with jeers directed at Mr. Soloman.

I should hate to ask Sol Bangs for anything and then have to back out afterwards. Come on, now." Mr. Soloman Bangs was the chairman of the Orham school-committee. He was a short, stout man with sandy side-whiskers and a bald head. He received them with becoming condescension, and asked if they wouldn't sit down.

It was Tartarin delivering justice. Nimrod doubling as Soloman. In addition to their passion for hunting the good people of Tarascon had another passion, which was for drawing-room ballads. The number of ballads which were sung in this part of the world passed all belief. All the old sentimental songs, yellowing in ancient cardboard boxes, could be found in Tarascon alive and flourishing.

Swiggs' weakness-her besetting sin. Mr. Soloman, having found the key to this vain woman's generosity, turns it when it suits his own convenience. "By-the-bye," he suddenly exclaims, "you've got Tom locked up again." "As safe as he ever was, I warrant ye!" Mrs. Swiggs replies, resuming her Milton and rocking-chair. "Upon my faith I agree with you.

"No, Captain, I have enough to do with my music and my doves." "That is your affair. The long-necked one yonder is a queer-looking fellow." "And of what country is he probably a native? There he goes to join the others. Watch him a little while and then answer me." "Ask King Soloman that; he was on intimate terms with birds." "Only watch him, you'll find out presently."

But, get money, and when you have got it, charm back this beautiful creature." Such is the advice of Mr. Soloman Snivel, the paid intriguer of the venerable Judge. THE two lone revellers remain at the pier-table; moody and hectic. Mr. Snivel drops into a sound sleep, his head resting on the marble.

"It is not surprising," replies George, as if waking from a fit of abstraction, "that she should have sought revenge of one who so basely betrayed her at the St. Cecilia " "There, there!" Mr. Soloman interrupts, changing entirely the expression of his countenance, "the whole thing is out! I said there was an unexplained mystery somewhere.

Soloman Snivel. "What! my old friend! I wish I had words to say how glad I am to see you, Lady Swiggs!" exclaims a tall, well-proportioned and handsome-limbed man, to whose figure a fashionable claret-colored frock coat, white vest, neatly-fitting dark-brown trowsers, highly-polished boots, a cluster of diamonds set in an avalanche of corded shirt-bosom, and carelessly-tied green cravat, lend a respectability better imagined than described.

Her decrepit form; her corrugated face; her heavy lip; her crutch, and her piety everything, in a word, but her starvation, had been set down. Well! Mr. Soloman might, she thought, overlook in the multiplicity of business so small a discrepancy. She, too, had a large circle of distinguished friends. If the worst came to the worst she would appeal to them.

"My word for it, Mr. Soloman, to get up in the world, and to be above the common herd, is the grand ambition of our people; and our State has got the grand position it now holds before the world through the influence of this ambition." "True! you are right there, my dear friend.