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Cultivez, belle Anna, votre goût pour l'étude; On ne saurait ici mieux employer son temps; Otsego n'est pas gai mais, tout est habitude; Paris vous déplairait fort au premier moment; Et qui jouit de soi dans une solitude, Rentrant au monde, est sur d'en faire I'ornement.

As tu des gouts et des amusemens? Tu dois mener une assez douce vie. L'autre en deux mots repondait 'Je m'ennuie. C'est un grand mal, dit la fee, et je crois Qu'un beau secret est de rester chez soi." I was detained six days by contrary winds at Holyhead.

MICHELET has presented a graphic portrait of a Stoic: "L'individu sous la forme du Stoicisme, ramassé soi, appuyé sur soi, ne demandant rien aux dieux, ne les accusant point, ne daignant pas même les nier." "Introduction

She glanced wildly behind, and gasped out "Escapa, Oreeque, escape, para mi, soi muerto ya." Another shot, and the miserable creature convulsively clasped her child, whose small shrill cry I often fancy I hear to this hour blending with its mother's death shriek, and, falling backwards, rolled over the brow of the hill out of sight.

"Il n'y au monde plus grande destresse, Du bon tempts soi souvenir en la tristesse." At length death brought the desired release. Marino Sanuto briefly records the fact in the following words: "On the 17th day of May, 1508, at Loches, Signor Lodovico Sforza, formerly Duke of Milan, who was there in prison, died as a good Christian with the rites of the Catholic Church."

Clay acknowledged, that, "in this point of view, it might be awkward to live in a conquered country; but if a man has talents to make himself agreeable to the powers that be, and money in his purse, that can never touch him, chacun pour soi et honi soit qui mal y pense." "Is it in England! Oh! can it be in England, and from an Englishman, that I hear such sentiments!" exclaimed Count Altenberg.

'Take your time, urged the General soothingly. 'This great plot, you say, which is to spread over all Spain 'Is for to-morrow night, my friend. 'Rien n'est plus courageux qu'un coeur patient, rien n'est plus sur de soi qu'un esprit doux. The General set down his glass, and a queer light came into his eyes, usually so smiling and pleasant. 'Ah! Then you are right, my friend.

Then springing to his feet, and stretching himself to his full height, with his arms extended towards Heaven, while a strong shiver shook him like an ague fit, he yelled forth the last words he ever uttered, "Venga la suerte, ya soi listo," and resumed his squatting position on the ground.

"Chayue ceuvre a faire a sa poetique en soi, qu'il faut trouver." The same thing is asserted by literary critics to have been the cause of the repetition of subjects in Greek tragedy, and to have resulted in the infinite niceties of their forms, which are never the same and never radically new.

She found that "On change du ciel l'on ne change point de soi." The damask robes and caparisoned palfreys, which her husband did not grudge to her as her father had done, proved utterly unsatisfying to the misunderstood cravings of her immortal soul. She did not herself comprehend why she was not happier.