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I claim the right of my womanhood to wed only the man whom I love, and who loves me!" Mayence gave utterance to an exclamation that might be coarsely described as a snort of contempt. The Elector of Treves was leaning back in his chair discomfited by her abrupt desertion of him. The Elector of Cologne now leaned forward, dismayed at the turn affairs had taken, deep anxiety visible on his brow.

Her aim was truer than she had anticipated, and the pail fell with a rattling clatter over the beast's ugly-looking horns, frightening him so that for a brief moment he stood perfectly still. Then, with a snort of fear and fury, he set off across the field at a mad gallop, with the bucket still tossing on his head.

Jimmy gave a little snort of surprise when he almost bumped into Unc' Billy. "What are you doing here?" he demanded. "Just taking a li'l walk fo' the good of mah appetite," replied Unc' Billy, grinning more broadly than ever. "What are yo' doing here, Brer Skunk?" "The same thing," replied Jimmy. Then he chuckled. "This is an unexpected meeting.

Whereupon the soap-maker dropped his head, with a little snort, as it were, of wounded feeling; but immediately said that he took all in good part. There was an old squire of the village, a lawyer probably, whose demeanor was different, with a distance, yet with a kindliness; for he remembered the times when they met on equal terms.

He leaped up on the box, pulling out the whip as he did so, and with a quick sweep lashed the horse across the head and back. The animal sprang forward with a snort, narrowly clearing the gate-post, and plunged off into the darkness. "Stop!" cried the officer.

"He's got the lonesomeness," said Dad, "and I tell you, John, when that gits a hold of a man he ain't responsible. It's the same as shuttin' a man up in jail to break him off of booze say, he'll claw the rocks out of the wall with his finger nails to git out where he can take a snort." "I never had the lonesomeness, so I don't know, but there's something the matter with the kid."

He drew rein immediately and fell behind, but at that moment Manuela's horse put its foot in a biscacho-hole and stumbled. Evidently it had received a violent surprise, for, after having a second time presented its tail and nose alternately to the skies, it gave vent to an indignant snort, performed what seemed to be a pirouette on one leg, took the bit in its teeth, and bolted.

Father knows of a girl who would be very glad to come in and work for three dollars a month, though he says everybody gives four or more. But Mr. Eastman will be here so soon. Father said I might get some things in Hartford." "We'll see what Boston has first," returned Aunt Priscilla with a little snort. "I've been hunting over my things."

It shall all be on table in five minutes, and this good gentleman belike will stop and see you take it. This good gentleman replied with a snort, which might mean yes, or no, or anything or nothing, and which Mrs. Tope would have found highly mystifying, but that her attention was divided by the service of the table. 'You will take something with me? said Jasper, as the cloth was laid.

Those shapes and large inhuman places for all of mankind that one sees at night about Lambeth is minute and pitiful beside the industrial monsters that snort and toil there mix up inextricably with my memories of my first days as a legislator.