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The memory of her own youth taught her no sympathy. It was a benumbed sort of life that she led, in her picturesque old home, whose charm she perceived but dimly with the remnants of her lost aptitudes. "Picturesque!" Mr. Fullerton used to cry with a snort; "why not say 'unhealthy' and be done with it?"

Gordon told the man. Rebellion, rebellion! He'd meant to say revolution, but... Trench was arguing frantically with the pompous figure of Captain Hendrix. From the other end of the street, a group of small cars appeared; and men began piling out, all in shiny green. "Who's this?" the phone asked. When Gordon identified himself, there was a snort of disgust. "Yes, yes, congratulations.

This meant the instant application of the brake. Nimrod's horse, tied on behind, gave a frightened snort and broke his rope. Green attempted to take the reins with his left hand. They dropped from his grasp, and I saw that his fingers were purple and black. "Grab the lines, can you?" he said, as he seized the whip and put both feet on the brake.

"I could have chosen no better man myself," said he. "I will see that he finds the Sending about his path and about his bed." He lay down on the hearthrug, turned up the whites of his eyes, shivered all over, and began to snort. This was magic, or opium, or the Sending, or all three.

She wondered if the strikers ever realised the extra strain they inflicted on people so much less able to contend with the hardships of a worker's life than they themselves. The whirr and snort of a taxi broke the thread of her thoughts.

Probably the horse did not mean any thing very bad; was only frightened, and had no wicked intentions towards the lady; so that when a new danger menaced him in front, he stopped suddenly, and with so much violence as to throw the lady forward from her seat upon the dasher of the chaise. He gave a long snort, which was his way of expressing his fear.

Then Buddy started off again, but he hadn't gone much farther through the woods before he heard another noise. This noise was a real loud one, like some giant tramping up and down, and stamping his feet, and suddenly there came a great snort, and the earth seemed to shake, and a big, black thing jumped up in front of Buddy, scaring him frightfully.

Though the earth has lain upon my breast a month, I am with you here to-night." A snort from old Luke's snarling lips, and a stir not a comfortable one in the jostling crowd, whose shaking arms and clawing hands I could see projecting here and there over the board. "'My presence at this feast a presence which, if unseen, cannot be unfelt, may bring you more pain than pleasure.

At last the cattle came to a walk. The heat of the day and the unusual exertion had told upon them. Occasionally a tongue lolled from the mouth of some wearied beast, but it was not permitted even that respite for long; the grasshoppers respected no part of the bovine anatomy, and with an angry snort and an annoyed toss of the head the tongue would be withdrawn.

It did not appear that they were really unquiet; yet there was a certain tension in the air that they must have felt, as well as the herders. Suddenly there was a near-by flash of lightning followed by a peal of thunder. The camp remained quiet; but the cattle began to snort and paw the earth. Each flash showed Walter that the animals were crowding closer and closer together.