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"What's the matter with my friend?" asked Dave, as he and Tom Shocker hurried through several side streets of the city. "I don't know exactly," was the reply. "Money matters, I think, and the gent is sick, too. He wanted it kept very quiet said it might ruin his reputation if it got out." "Well, I didn't say anything to anybody," answered Dave. "How much further have we to go?"

Beth, being very wideawake, sat up late, playing patience first of all, and then reading a shilling shocker of Dan's, which she had taken up casually and become interested in. The story was of an extremely sensational kind, and she found herself being wrought up by it to a high pitch of nervous excitement.

Webber seemed absolutely appalled. "Where's that gun you had?" Kieran panted. "It's not a gun, only a short-range shocker," he said. "It wouldn't stop these things. Look at them!" They bounded, sporting around them, howling with a sound like laughter. They were as large as leopards and their eyes glowed in the cluster-light.

"He's got a room here up on the third floor," said Shocker, as he saw Dave hesitate. "Come on, I'll show you." He went ahead, up the somewhat dilapidated stairs, and Dave followed. In the pool and billiard parlors below some men were laughing and talking, and clicking the ivory balls together, but upstairs it was silent, and nobody seemed to be around.

There are so many Authors nowadays that it is difficult to get up even a show of interest in one of them, everybody "writes" from Miladi in Belgravia, who considers the story of her social experiences, expressed in questionable grammar, quite equal to the finest literature, down to the stable-boy who essays a "prize" shocker for a penny dreadful.

He laid down a gory yellow "shocker" without even feeling its incongruity enough to comment on it humorously. John Boulnois was a big, slow-moving man with a massive head, partly grey and partly bald, and blunt, burly features.

"I want you to open that door!" cried Dave, wheeling around and confronting Tom Shocker. "Open it at once!" "This is none of my affair, Mr. Porter," answered the man, with a slight sneer. "You can settle it with Mr. Poole." "I'll settle with you, you rascal!" cried Dave, and leaping forward he caught Tom Shocker by the shoulder and forced him aside. "Give me that key!"

"You don't think he'll smother?" he asked, anxiously. "Smother? Not a bit of it," answered Tom Shocker. "He'll be out of that room inside of an hour. He wasn't tied very hard, and he's sure to make a racket sooner or later." Tom Shocker went with Nat a distance of two blocks more and then came to a sudden halt. "By jove, I forgot!" he cried. "I must see my old friend, Dickson, before I leave town.

In less than two minutes Tom Shocker accomplished his purpose, and then he glided out of the room silently, once more locking the door. Once on the street he set off on a brisk walk, but he did not go in the direction of the depot. "I reckon I can afford to part company with Poole now," the man told himself. "Won't there be a row when that Porter gets free!

They were bathed in sudden light. The voice said, "Mr. Webber, you are holding a weapon. Please drop it." "It's only a little shocker," Webber said, plaintively. He dropped it. The vehicle had wide tracks that threw up clouds of sand. It came clanking to a halt. Kieran, shading his eyes, thought he distinguished two creatures inside, a driver and a passenger.