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During the ride to Halock, Tom Shocker managed to learn a good deal about Nat and his trouble with Dave and the others, and he also learned that the youth had considerable spending-money with him. The car was opened at Halock and run off on a siding, and the pair got off. "Let us take a trolley to Buffalo," said Shocker. "There we can get a room at a hotel that is, if you'll put up the price."

Then she smiled and quietly withdrew the hand he had been holding so tightly in both of his. "So there we are, my poor friend," she concluded with a shrug; "the old penny shocker, you know, 'Alone in a great city! I've dropped my handkerchief." "I want you to believe me your friend," said Gerald, in the low, resolute voice of unintentional melodrama.

It won't take me but a few minutes. You go to the depot and wait for me." And before the money-lender's son could reply, he was off, down another side street. Tom Shocker was well acquainted with the thoroughfares of Niagara Falls and it did not take him long to double on his tracks and return to Fargo's resort. He mounted the stairs, pulling his hat far down over his forehead as he did so.

The Newspapers shall every day print an Artikel me for my good Heart, my Genius and my Condescension praising. It shall a Picture of me in every House be. If Mr. MICHAEL MORTON doesn't mind my not taking his original play too seriously I don't mind telling him how much I enjoyed it. It is quite a neat example of the shocker an agreeable form of entertainment for the simple and the jaded.

The timepiece had been recovered, and both articles were now at the Wadsworth home, waiting for Dave. "Well, I am glad Nat got the things back," said Dave. "Maybe that will be a lesson to him, not to trust strangers in the future," was Phil's comment. "But how about the money?" "Nat says Shocker spent that." "Then Nat will have to make it good," said Roger. "Yes, he says he will," answered Dave.

It was only a bit of fun, to pay you back for putting me on the freight car." "One of you came back and took the things. I couldn't see who it was, for the pillow was still over my head." "I didn't come back I give you my word of honor. Shocker must have done it! Oh, the rascal!" And now Nat's face showed his concern. "Who was that man?" asked the senator's son.

'I don't care a rap about that. I'm not such an ass as to thirst for revenge and all that, like some chap in a shilling shocker. But it makes me wild to think of that fellow masquerading as a German, and up to who knows what mischief mischief enough to make him want to get rid of any one. I'm keen about the sea, and I think they're apt to be a bit slack at home, he continued inconsequently.

But it was his misfortune to be for ever clogged by a tradition of decorous restraint; so that the effect of his plays is as anomalous as would be let us say that of a shilling shocker written by Miss Yonge. His heroines go mad in epigrams, while his villains commit murder in inversions.

If another Dickens were to break out to-morrow with the riotous tomfoolery of Pickwick at the trial, or of Weller and Stiggins, a thousand lucid criticisms would denounce it as vulgar balderdash. Glaucus and Nydia at Pompeii would be called melodramatic rant. The House of the Seven Gables would be rejected by a sixpenny magazine, and Jane Eyre would not rise above a common "shocker."

There was also a letter from Nat Poole, in which Nat stated that he had been looking for the fellow who called himself Tom Shocker and had at last located the rascal in a town not far from Buffalo. He had accused the man of the robbery at the hotel, and caused the fellow to give up the stickpin and also a pawn-ticket for the watch.