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Moses, the gentlest of men, teaches us to make bookcases most neatly, wherein they may be protected from any injury: Take, he says, this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. O fitting place and appropriate for a library, which was made of imperishable shittim-wood, and was all covered within and without with gold!

Costobarus went to a cabinet on the wall and drew forth a shittim-wood case which he unlocked. Therefrom he took a small casket and opened it. He then held it so that the sun, falling into it, set fire to a bed of loose gems mingled without care for kind or value a heap of glowing color emitting sparks. "Here are one hundred of the talents," Costobarus said.

Grey, in his erudite and entertaining notes on Hudibras, records the deposition of a lawyer, who, in an action of battery, told the judge "that the defendant beat his client with a certain wooden instrument called an iron pestle." Nay, to go further still, a wise annotator on the Pentateuch, named Peter Harrison, observed of Moses' two tables of stone, that they were made of shittim-wood.

Withal her presence intimated tremendous primal charm and the mystery of undiscovered potentialities. And she was royal! No mere upstart of an impostor could have assumed that perfect hauteur, that patrician bearing. But the pretended Philadelphus was not impressed by this beauty. "How now, Salome?" he demanded. "What play is this?" The Ephesian actress motioned toward the shittim-wood casket.

Of all absurdities, this of some foreigner, purposing to take away my rhetoric, and substitute his own, and amuse me with pelican and stork, instead of thrush and robin; palm-trees and shittim-wood, instead of sassafras and hickory, seems the most needless." Locke said, "God, when he makes the prophet, does not unmake the man." Swedenborg's history points the remark.

"Take my blessings to thy master. May he come to a high seat in that new Israel which he hath helped to build! Farewell." The courier withdrew. When his footsteps died away the old merchant reached under the divan and drew forth the shittim-wood box. Producing a key he unlocked and opened it. From his bosom he drew forth the letter from Philadelphus and laid it within.

Philadelphus got upon his feet and looked to catch the first glimpse of the woman who was bringing him two hundred talents. A woman entered the hall. Behind her came a servant bearing a shittim-wood casket. Had Amaryllis been looking for suspicious signs, she would have observed in the intense silence that fell, in the arrested attitude of the pair, more than a natural embarrassment.

Also, I send herewith a shittim-wood casket found with John of Gischala when he was captured in a cavern under Jerusalem. It contains treasure and certain writings which identify it as property of thy wife. There were other features in it which, coming to my hand first, made it advisable that the State should not know of its existence. And privately, it will be wise in thee to destroy them.

The stone furze ditches are scarcely bolder instances of the catachresis than the stone tables of shittim-wood.

In that movement the dying man read the mute's consecration of his one great strength to the protection of the tenderly loved Laodice. Costobarus motioned to the shittim-wood casket and Momus undid it and strapped it on his own belt. "The frosts! The frosts!" the dying man whispered. The mute understood.