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Ford was not worrying about Sunset half as much as Sunset was worrying about him. He was at that moment playing pinochle half-heartedly with a hospitable sheep-herder, under the impression that, since his host had frankly and profanely professed a revulsion against solitaire and a corresponding hunger for pinochle, his duty as a guest lay in satisfying that hunger.

WYOMING: Sage grouse and sharp-tailed grouse are becoming extinct, both in Wyoming and North Dakota. To them everything that flies, walks or swims, large enough to be seen, is a "rabbit." They are even worse than the average sheep-herder, as he will seldom kill a bird brooding her young, but to one of those men, a wren or creeper looks like a turkey.

What deviltry was she up to now? "Addio, mia bella Napoli," he whistled. "Addio! addio!" What difference did it make so long as she confined her activities to Dubois? since he had no more liking for one than the other. The Dago Duke had applied to Dubois for work as a sheep-herder and got it.

Outside the kitchen quarters, which likewise were rigorously searched, not a soul could be found in the house. One room only, over the kitchen, gave hope of uncovering something. The party reached the door of this room through a narrow, tortuous passageway along an attic gable. The door was locked. Philippi told them it belonged to a sheep-herder who did not use it often.

Vague descriptions of Pete's location, heard in casual talks with Solange, came to him. The old sheep-herder had been able to describe his find as having been made where he had eaten his noonday meal "on a rock." That rock the Lunch Rock, as it had been called, had even given the mine a name in future legend, as the Peg Leg had been named.

"See here, Mr. Sheep-herder, you better ride on up to your camp," and Ross turned to mount his horse. "Wait a minute," called the other man, and his voice surprised the ranger with a note of authority. "I was terribly taken with that girl, and I owe you a whole lot; but I've got to know one thing. I can see you're full of her, and jealous as a bear of any other suitor.

Rhoda could see the individual leaves of the aspens on the opposite wall as they moved close in the shadow of the other. The floor, watered by a clear brook, was level and green. On either side the walls were murmurous with delicately quivering aspens and sighing pines. Suddenly Cesca gave a grunt of warning. Far down the valley a sheep-herder was approaching with his flocks.

There was an acquiescent murmur from the other table and the sheep-herder gave in. He exchanged a look with his friends, and Carthy, seeing them disposed to return quietly to the game, left them and took up his usual position behind the bar. The barmaid moved a little closer to his elbow. Hilliard noticed that her eyes had widened in her pale face.

I've knocked about enough to know that them are the kind of men who put a value on a friend. Not that I can claim being a friend of yours, Mr. Ogden, says I, 'being only your sheep-herder; but under more expeditious circumstances we might have been. "'Forget the sheep temporarily, I beg, says Ogden, 'and cut for deal.

Kellyan paused. "I can't cover your bet, Pedro, but I'll kill your Bear for what's in the bottle." "I take you," said the sheep-herder, "eef you breeng back dose sheep dat are now starving up on de rocks of de canon of Baxstaire's." The Mexican's eyes twinkled as the white man closed on the offer.