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For years and years, the antelope millions of the Montana and Wyoming grass-lands fed the scout and Indian-fighter, freighter, cowboy and surveyor, ranchman and sheep-herder; but thus far I have yet to hear of one Western state that has ever spent one penny directly for the preservation of the antelope!

It never came into his mind to credit the shaggy brute with an impulse born of good, and when he told the sheep-herder of his adventure in the pool, of his hitting high on the body and of losing the trail in the forest fire "down by the shack, when he turned up sudden and had me I thought my last day was come. Why he didn't swat me, I don't know.

At Bonamy's he formed two new acquaintances, a blustering, bullying old ram that was "in storage" for a sheep-herder acquaintance, and which inspired him with a lasting enmity for everything that smelt of sheep and Bonamy's dog. This latter was an active, yapping, unpleasant cur that seemed to think it rare fun to snap at Jacky's heels, then bound out of reach.

The sheep-herder contented himself with making two or three fires, shooting off his gun, and telling his beads. That was Jack's first mutton, but it was not the last. Thenceforth when he wanted a sheep and it became a regular need he knew he had merely to walk along the ridge till his nose said, "Turn, and go so," for smelling is believing in Bear life.

"Yuh try an old gag that I wore out on humans of your ilk in Wyoming," went on Pink, warming to the subject. "Yuh load me with stuff that would bring the heehaw from a sheep-herder. Yuh can't even lie consistent to a pilgrim. You're a story that's been told and forgotten, a canto that won't rhyme, blank verse with club feet. You're the last, horrible example of a declining race. You're extinct."

There was no clew there, and yet Ike kept it, with a grim idea in the back of his mind suggested by tales which Pete had often told of smuggling and vendettas among the Basques of the border between Spain and France. It was when the sack was opened, however, that the real sensation appeared to dwarf the excitement over the murder of the sheep-herder.

There was a vigor, an unspoken hostility, in the gaze of both men. "Mo'nin", Mr. Deputy Sheriff, one said; and the other, "Same to you, Mr. Norris." "You're on the job quick," sneered the cattle detective. "The quicker the sooner, I expect." "And by night you'll have Mr. Hold-up roped and hog-tied?" "Not so you could notice it. Are you a sheep-herder these days, Mr. Norris?"

But wait, and if I don't push in some Greaser's face to-day it'll be because every one of them bands is headin' for the western pass." He clambered slowly down from his perch and swung up into the saddle. "Talkin' never did do much good with a sheep-herder," he observed wisely. "As the old judge used to say, 'you've got to appeal to his better nature' with a club."

Fairly accurate reports accounted for Gale Morgan, nursing a wound at home, and for Sassoon, badly wounded and under cover somewhere in the Gap. Beyond this, information halted. Toward the end of the week a Mexican sheep-herder brought word in to Lefever that he had seen in Duke Morgan's stable, Sassoon's horse the one on which de Spain had escaped.

A few days later one bright morning Ramon was sitting in the sun before the door of his friend, Francisco Guiterrez, feeling still somewhat sore, but otherwise surprisingly well. Guiterrez, a young sheep-herder, held the position of coadjutor of the local penitente chapter, and one of his duties as such was to take the penitent to his house and care for him after the initiation.