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I was borned on the 27th of Jannewarry, in Range 27, Township 27, twenty-seven mile from Turkey Trail, Montaney, where the wind blows circles and the water runs up-hill. "You win, friend," pushing stake and winnings to a sheep-herder who had ventured a dollar. "Five times one is five."

"Well, Mr. Creede," responded the officer, eying his man carefully, "I come up here to look into the killing of Juan Alvarez, a Mexican sheep-herder." "The killin'?" echoed Creede, astounded. "That's right," snapped the deputy sheriff, trying to get the jump on him. "What do you know about it?" "Who me?" answered the cowman, his eyes growing big and earnest as he grasped the news. "Not a thing.

I've a longer purse than that old Australian sheep-herder thinks, and when the time for contest comes, I'll meet him on his own ground." "If you are going to employ additional counsel," interposed Mr. Whitney, "allow me to suggest the name of P. B. Hunnewell, of this city; he is one of the ablest attorneys in the United States, particularly in matters of this kind.

What is your name, and what do you do on this ranch? "'Captain, says I, 'Percival Saint Clair is my occupation, and my name is sheep-herder. I've got my flock of veals no, muttons penned here to-night. The shearers are coming to-morrow to give them a haircut with baa-a-rum, I suppose. "'Where's the boss of this ranch? the captain of the gang asks me.

Clutching it eagerly, she added: "They say it's poison, but it's my meat to-night." She was, in truth, very pale, and her hands were trembling in a weakness that went to her daughter's heart. Little remained of the woman in Lize, and the old sheep-herder eyed her with furtive curiosity.

"'From East to West they're burning in tower and forge and home, And on beyond the outlands, across the ocean foam; On mountain crest and mesa, on land and sea and height, The little fires along the trail that twinkle down the night. "And about the sheep-herder; do you remember how

Said the same voice in sleepy tones: "Who are ye crowding, caramba!" and a human elbow was seen jerking and pounding; and again impatient growling in bear-like tones was the response. The sun came up and the astonished loafers found it was the missing sheep-herder that was in the Bear's den, calmly sleeping off his debauch in the very cave of death.

At length the sheep-herder came to himself, rose up on his elbows, and realizing that he was in the power of the young Grizzly, he stepped gingerly over his guardian's back and ran off without even saying "Thank you."

Here Greek George he was never known by any other name had a station, only the charred logs remaining to tell of some irreverent sheep-herder or Indian who had no regard for historic landmarks. The pile of rocks which remain denote the presence of the chimney.

"Stay here, then," said the sheep-herder, watching her with glistening eyes. "I'll kill him for both of us! Where is his camp?" "I don't know," she replied, shuddering. The demented shepherd's way of speaking of taking a human life, even though a worthless one, or a vicious one, was eager and hungry. He licked his lips like a dog. "You said he was camped on the river. Where?"